
How to onboard students on your project and find a perfect intern
06-14, 10:15–10:50 (Europe/Prague), E105 (capacity 70)

Do you have a tons of small issues with low priority that no one works on? Do you have problem finding interns for your project? Do you enjoy teaching others?

Once upon a time we answered yes to those questions and tried something different. We'll talk about how a Software Factory course at University of Helsinki gave us an idea to onboard a class of students on our project to work on small issues as community contributors to gain hireable GH profiles as a part of Software Engineering class at Mendel University. We'll talk about all highs and lows of such a journey. There were plenty of both :)

We'll start with how surprisingly easy it was to get managers and teachers on board. Then we'll talk about finding the right tasks to split amongst the group, showing them the basics of contributing on GitHub, getting the project working and handling pull requests spikes. And we'll end with how this helped us find amazing teammates.

See also:

That one teammate who always onboards interns with a smile :)

UI dev, Ansible Galaxy.