
Versioning software with git
06-14, 13:30–13:45 (Europe/Prague), A113 | Lightning Talks (capacity 64)

Using git on the command line

Using Git on the command line is
about the most efficient way to use
such a tool. Such usage of this program
allows you to view the software output
in a simple text stream of data and
type in commands line-by-line.

Signing git commits

  • Bonus point, GnuPG workshop recommended.
    (A short point, no need to attend before this talk.)
See also:

Public Speaking

One of my favorite semi-IT tasks is giving talks about topics I find useful
and/or interesting. I often used to give talks at some conferences and local Python meetups. I
attended some Toastmasters sessions, so I could get better at public speaking.

Unfortunately, before I could utilize these new skills, the COVID crisis terminated my public speaking for a while.

Conference Attendance

• Linux Days 2016
• PyCon CZ 2018
• PyCon CZ 2019
• EuroPython 2019
• Flock (Fedora Linux distribution conference)