
Device passthrough in KubeVirt
06-14, 14:00–14:35 (Europe/Prague), D105 (capacity 300)

Running Virtual Machines in Kubernetes (k8s) provides a few challenges for features that are already well-established in simpler virtualization environments. For a proper Cloud Native experience, KubeVirt implements the device plugins mechanism from k8s.

This talk will explain how KubeVirt's Device Plugins work by using the recent addition of the USB device plugin as an example.

See also:

Victor holds a BSc. Computer Science from the University of Campinas, Brazil and he has been working for Red Hat since 2014. He's passionate about Desktop and multimedia projects and has focused part of his career developing SPICE and hacking GNOME. Nowadays you can find him in #kubevirt-dev, discussing and fixing virtualization related issues in KubeVirt.