
What the swap?! Swap on k8s: current status and future plans
06-14, 16:15–16:50 (Europe/Prague), D105 (capacity 300)

Until recently, Kubernetes did not support swap in a usable way. This was due to a discontinued development that kept the NodeSwap feature in an alpha state for a an extended period. However, with collaborative efforts from multiple developers, I successfully continued the development and elevated swap support to full Beta in Kubernetes version 1.30. Currently swap on Kubernetes is fully supported bringing cgroup v2 support, newly introduced "swap behaviors" and a strong emphasis on system stability.

In this talk I will share the journey of bringing swap support to Kubernetes. This will include a technical overview, insights into the design choices we made and the challenges we encountered along the way alongside use-cases for using swap. In addition, we'll discuss our future plans and open questions that we still face.

By the end of this talk, I hope you’ll have a deeper understanding of Kubernetes’ swap feature and feel equipped to contribute to its ongoing development!

See also:

Computer Scientist graduate at Technion, Israel.
Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat.

Kubevirt maintainer and Kubernetes developer.