CommuniShift Available!
06-14, 13:50–14:05 (Europe/Prague), A113 | Lightning Talks (capacity 64)

We’re announcing the re-release of CommuniShift which is the Fedora Community OpenShift cluster. CommuniShift is a place where community members can spin up things which might be interesting or useful to the community. They can safely experiment and figure out their applications on CommuniShift before moving them later onto Fedora Infra.

In our talk we want to show people how to request resources on the cluster. It’s designed to be beginner friendly, no previous knowledge required or needed.

See also:

Community Platform Engineering, former Outreachy intern

Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Community Platform Engineering.
Interests: art, animals, amateur radio, blacksmithing, electronics, sustainable living, travel.

Associate Software Engineer, Community Platform Engineering, Red Hat.