
A __new__ way to __init_subclass__ for python automation.
06-15, 14:00–14:35 (Europe/Prague), D0206 (capacity 154)

This talk will show you through a live demo how to escape the "if else if" solutions in a way that is beyond a maintained lookup table. It aims to have a foot into meta-programming and the other in your everyday programming.

Just think of the following question. How would you write code for an application that needs to decrypt or load a certain encryption or file type, to be able to do some work on that data. How would you organise your application to handle all the different encryptions or file types that exist?

This is exactly what this talk is meant to spark in its audience and hopes to push for automated solutions that requires the least amount of manual intervention (ideally just what is necessary for example implementations).

See also:

A 25 years old Software Engineer at Red Hat, with a passion for automation. Completed his studies at Czech Technical University of Prague in Mechanical Engineering and the specialisation of Information and Automation Technology. Exploring optimisations and disciplined programming paints the gradient of his career path.