
Creating a Language Server for RPM Spec Files
2024-06-13 , A113 | Lightning Talks (capacity 64)

RPM packaging is a foundation of the software delivery mechanism on RPM-based Linux distributions, with RPM spec files acting as blueprints for package builds. Despite their enduring relevance, support for editing RPM spec files has not evolved significantly over time, leaving users with rudimentary tooling.

In response to this challenge, we have developed a prototype of a language server tailored specifically for RPM spec files. Based on a language server protocol, the solution offers a unified editing experience across various editors, giving users features like auto-completion, linting, and jump-to-definition. All of this is achieved by centralizing "code smarts" in one place.

Join us to learn about the thinking behind the language server and the challenges we faced when implementing this new tool.

See also:

Dan is building container images, creating developer tools and sometimes works on QA at SUSE, which he joined after working as an embedded firmware developer. Originally he started out as a theoretical astrophysicist, but after becoming a contributor to various Open Source projects, he finally made this his full time job at SUSE.

In his free time Dan contributes to various upstream Projects, maintains packages in Linux distributions and enjoys a game of Satisfactory. When he's not sitting in front of his computer, he can be found either on his bike or in the kitchen testing out another recipe.

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