
Toolbx: Recent updates
06-14, 15:50–16:05 (Europe/Prague), A113 | Lightning Talks (capacity 64)

Toolbx is a tool for Linux, which allows the use of interactive command line environments for development and troubleshooting the host operating system, without having to install software on the host. It is built on top of Podman and other standard container technologies from OCI.

Toolbx is installed by default on Fedora CoreOS, Workstation and Silverblue, and also used by users on various other distributions.

This talk will present some of the latest developments in the Toolbx project, and our plans for the future.

See also:

I work in the Red Hat Desktop Team on Fedora Silverblue and Workstation, and GNOME. I am the author and current maintainer of Toolbx.