
Agama: Next Generation of Linux Installer
06-14, 13:15–13:50 (Europe/Prague), E112 (capacity 156)

Fedora is not the only distribution that will get a shiny new web-based installer. So let's look at Agama, the future installer for openSUSE and SUSE distributions. We will discuss why we need a new installer, which features will be included and there will be room even for talking about some technical details (so expect Ruby, Rust and React content). The non-exclusive list of Agama features that we'll cover includes automatic installation with scripting support, advanced partitioning or transactional systems support. We will also discuss why we ended up moving from Cockpit to a custom HTTP based solution.

See also:

I am coming to the conference from Hradec Kralove. I am a proud father of three children. I graduated from Charles University many years ago, started working for SUSE during my studies and have been working on open source software all the time. I can code fluently in C, C++, perl and ruby, but I can also make code work in python, js or rust.