
The state of authentication in 2024
06-15, 14:00–14:35 (Europe/Prague), D105 (capacity 300)

There are numerous engineers not only throughout Red Hat that deal with authentication on daily basis. Think Keycloak, OIDC, OpenLDAP, Kerberos, X509 certificates... The whole shebang. Yet we rarely ever get to meet and talk about what we deal with authentication in our daily software engineering lives.
This session is meant for just that. Let's try to see if we can gather a bunch of people that deal with authentication daily, who would like to share some exciting news from the industry, or would like to explain how they implemented an authentication feature and would love to see how it would stand with other authentication-involved peers.

See also:

I've worked for Red Hat for the past ~9 years. I've always been involved in authentication/authorization topics during that time.
I'm currently working in the OpenShift control-plane group, keeping my authn/z focus.

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