
Stairway to developer heaven - AKA how to advertise a feature
06-13, 17:00–17:35 (Europe/Prague), E105 (capacity 70)

How do you measure success as a developer ? Is it how good your code looks ? Is it how well covered it is by unit tests ? We think that while those are required, that's not it.

Could it be the opposite of the opened bugs then ? Someone actually bothered to open a bug / issue on it... Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's still not it; usually, projects without bugs just mean … they're not being used.

Thus, in our humble opinion, the code must matter to someone, and it must be used in production by as many people as possible - to the point they contribute, request features, and report broken “things”.

Now the thing is how do you get end users to use your stuff ? It's a non-trivial problem: unless you come up with something useful - and entirely new - odds are you're hoping people will replace one existing component of their stack (sure ... it had its problems …) by your new shiny toy. ... which only you care about !
And we all know migrations have their downsides … It usually requires a big improvement for people to be willing to pay the price.

Join us in this talk as we discuss strategies to get your pet project out there in the wild, and being used as it should / deserves.

See also:

Miguel is a Principal Software Engineer for OpenShift Virtualization, working at Red Hat since 2018.

His main interests are SDN / NFV, functional programming, containers and virtualization.

Miguel is a member of the Network Plumbing Working Group, a maintainer of several CNI plugins (whereabouts, macvtap), and a contributor to some others (ovn-kubernetes, multus).

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