
Introducing Konflux CI!
06-13, 14:45–15:20 (Europe/Prague), E104 (capacity 72)

Software supply chain security (SSSC) is a hot topic these days, but confidently implementing SSSC can take a small army and be a heavy tax on development teams. Konflux CI is an opinionated, Kubernetes native, security-first software factory based on Tekton. The Konflux community aims to make secure software delivery achievable by anyone. This is accomplished by providing a well integrated CI / CD distribution based on open source technologies and backed by a SIG composed of security experts who interpret regulatory frameworks, drive requirements and provide acceptance of technical solutions.

In this talk, we will cover:
* the architecture of Konflux, the sub-projects it is composed from and how security is achieved without sacrificing flexibility and agility.
* demonstrations of various features
* new Konflux deployer supporting EKS and Kind
* Roadmap
* Next steps for would-be contributors

See also:

Brian Cook is a product manager at Red Hat responsible for secure product delivery and having 20 years of experience in the Enterprise Technology scene. As a founder of the Konflux-CI project, Brian believes that because software now runs the world, secure software technologies need to be available to and deployable by anyone.

Just a guy who likes to computer. I'm working on Konflux these days.