
Cloud Infrastructure Users Meetup
06-13, 15:30–16:50 (Europe/Prague), A112 | Meetups (capacity 64)

Are you a user of public cloud services or interested in leveraging the power of the cloud for your projects? Join us for an engaging and informative Public Cloud Users Meetup, where cloud enthusiasts and developers gather to share their experiences, best practices, and insights around architecture.

This Meetup is a community-driven event designed to bring together individuals and organizations who are using or considering public cloud services. This interactive meetup aims to foster knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration among open source community users and developers of many different backgrounds.

Topics will include using Podman on individual cloud instances, container management across different infrastructure environments, cloud migration, and issues related to repatriation, and the use of kubernetes from desktop to combinations of hyperscalers

See also: Matrix Chat

Neal is a developer and contributor in Fedora, Mageia, and openSUSE, focusing primarily on the base Linux system components, such as package and software management. He's a big believer in "upstream first", which has led him all over the open source world.

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David Duncan Manages a Partner Solutions Architecture Team at Amazon Web Services. David has been a Red Hat and Fedora Project participant for more than 15 years. David works on the Fedora Cloud Edition as a member of the Fedora Project.

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