Kátia Nakamura

Kátia is from Brazil 🇧🇷 Based in Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪

She is a Django Software Foundation (DSF) board member since 2020 and she has been involved with Django and Python/Django community since 2015 when she attended the Django Girls event in Brazil that happened during the Python Brazil 2015.

She is part of the PyCon Balkan 2018 and 2019 organization team and a few Django Girls events as a coach in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Budapest (Hungary) and an organizer in Brno (Czech Republic), in Belgrade (Serbia) and in Porto (Portugal). ✨

Currently works as a Django Specialist and Sr. Framework Engineer at Fly.io 👩🏽‍💻


Diving into the DSF Rhythm: A session on Django Governance
Çağıl Uluşahin Sönmez, Chaim Kirby, Kátia Nakamura

Exploring the role of Django Software Foundation, and how Django governance works.

East Drawing Room