Django for Analytical Workloads: Getting started with Snowflake
05-29, 15:25–16:15 (Europe/London), East Drawing Room

Last year talk "Why would anyone use Snowflake as a backend for Django?" showed why Snowflake can be a great backend for Django and massive data. Now let's make it happen in this workshop.

Last year talk "Why would anyone use Snowflake as a backend for Django?" reviewed why many companies have chosen Snowflake as their backend for Django. At first it doesn't look like a natural fit - but we have seen the need and support for it growing.

In this workshop we'll get our hands on, reviewing the fundamentals of Snowflake and how it connects to Django.


  • Getting the latest version of django-snowflake connected to a free Snowflake account.
  • Reviewing the Snowflake fundamentals that make it different than the typical Django databases.
  • Building a simple Django app connected to the already existing massive datasets shared in Snowflake.
  • A sample of how we can move Python code to run inside Snowflake.

Felipe Hoffa is Snowflake’s Data Cloud Advocate since 2020. Previously he was at Google, as a Developer Advocate on Data Analytics for BigQuery, after joining as a Software Engineer. He moved from Chile to San Francisco in 2011. His goal is to inspire developers and data scientists around the world to analyze and understand their data in ways they never could before. You can find him on social media (@felipehoffa, LinkedIn), elsewhere around the web (YouTube, Reddit, StackOverflow, …), and conferences around the world.