Nathan Shammah
I work for the development of open-source software for quantum physics research and its role in quantum technology transfer. I am also interested in the study of quantum information processing and light-matter interaction in solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). My research focus is on open quantum systems dynamics, and the interplay between cooperative effects and dissipative mechanisms in many-body quantum systems. In particular, I investigate how fingerprints of the ultrastrong coupling regime between light and matter can be addressed. I am also interested in the characterization of the light-matter physics in physical devices, such as superconducting circuits and semiconductor quantum wells, for technology applications such quantum information processing and Terahertz light emission.
Homepage – Git*hub|lab – Institute / Company –RIKEN
In this talk you will learn how QuTiP, the quantum toolbox in Python (, has emerged from a library to an ecosystem. QuTiP is used for education, to teach quantum physics. In research and industry, for quantum computing simulation.