Performing Quantum Measurements in QuTiP
09-02, 16:00–17:30 (UTC), Track4 (Chillida)

Would you like to create (virtual) qubits and perform measurements on them using Python? Perhaps even explore entanglement and quantum teleportation? If so, this tutorial is for you!

No previous quantum mechanics experience required!

Would you like to create (virtual) qubits and perform measurements on them using Python? Perhaps even explore entanglement and quantum teleportation? If so, this tutorial is for you!

No previous quantum mechanics experience required. It will be helpful to be comfortable with Python and only a little scared of matrix multiplication.

The goal of the workshop is for each participant to:

  • Understand what a qubit is
  • Be able to create a 1-qubit state
  • Be able to measure a 1-qubit state
  • Be able to create a 2-qubit state
  • Be able to create an entangled 2-qubit state
  • Be able to measure part of an entangled state
  • Be able to teleport part a qubit using an entangled state

To each of these please add "in Python with QuTiP" and "with a good understanding of what they're doing".

The target audience is people who are:

  • interested in quantum mechanics but are not experts
  • comfortable with Python basics
  • only a little scared of matrix multiplication (have learnt it at some point, even if they don't remember it well now)

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Project Homepage / Git Abstract as a tweet

Would you like to create (virtual) qubits and perform measurements on them using Python? Perhaps even explore entanglement and quantum teleportation? If so, this tutorial is for you!

Python Skill Level


Domain Expertise



Open Source, Simulation

Some potentially relevant facts about me:

  • I've lectured mathematics and MATLAB at the University of Cape Town.
  • I've worked in bioinformatics and radio astronomy.
  • I've published some academic papers (and even a couple in vaguely respectable journals!)
  • I have an undergraduate degree in physics and a masters degree in applied mathematics.
  • I accidentally wrote a lot of games in pygame.
  • In 2012 I started PyConZA (PyCon South Africa).
  • I have a Python Community Service award (woot!).
  • I currently lead a small data science team at a financial startup.