Alexandra is a technical writer and accessibility content specialist at Google. In this role, she writes documentation for web developers and the web community at-large about new, privacy-preserving technologies with the Privacy Sandbox. Before she was a writer, Alexandra was a web developer, a digital marketing manager, and a post-production video editor.
Alexandra has a bachelor’s degree in professional writing with an emphasis in digital and technical writing from Michigan State University.
- Practice Makes Perfect: Write Accessible Documentation

Director of Developer Programs at Cloud Native Computing Foundation
- You keep using that word Governance: I do not think it means what you think it means

Ana is the OSPO Program Manager at the TODO Group, a Linux Foundation project and an open group of organizations who want to collaborate on best practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective Open Source Projects and Programs. Formerly she worked at Bitergia, a Software Development Analytics firm, and she has recently finished her MSc in Data Science, whose final thesis focused on measuring DevRel’s success within Open Source development communities.
Ana is really interested in Open Source, InnerSource, and community metrics. She has been a speaker at some international conferences such as DevRelCon Tokyo, OpenInfraDays, DevRelCon London, ISC Summit or OSSummit NA.
During her spare time, you can find Ana practicing yoga or illustrating.
- InnerSource and OSPOs: Institutionalizing Open Source Culture Change
- Demystifying OSPOs: What InnerSource can bring to emerging Open Source Initiatives:

Anita is a Software Developer and Content creator, who is passionate about sharing knowledge through technical writing and public speaking. An Open-source advocate, with a passion for growing developer communities. A cat lover.
- Embracing Accessibility in Open source

Anne is a Senior Program Manager in Google’s Open Source Programs Office (OSPO) where she helps teams at Alphabet develop, contribute to, and release open source software. Anne works on strengthening the security practices of open source projects run by Google, helping Googlers work effectively and efficiently in open source, and being an advocate for security in the wider open source community. In particular, she focuses on open source vulnerability disclosure, project governance, and contributor sustainability.
- Preparing for Zero-Day: Vulnerability Disclosure in Open Source Software
- Open Source Program Offices in the public sector - state of play and what's next?

Ben is a principal program manager at Red Hat, where he serves as the Fedora Program Manager. He is the author of Program Management for Open Source Projects (due in 2022 from The Pragmatic Bookshelf). Ben is an Open Organization Ambassador and an Opensource.com Correspondent Emeritus.
- The Flywheel Theory of Community Engagement

Bertrand Delacretaz works as a Principal Scientist for Adobe in Basel, Switzerland. He's involved in software architecture and development for Adobe Experience Cloud products, which use many open source modules, mostly from Apache projects to which his teams contribute extensively.
Bertrand has served more than ten terms on the Board of Directors of the Apache Software Foundation, and studied the efficient collaboration mechanisms of Open Source projects and communities for a long time. He firmly believes in the Open Source model as the best way to collaborate remotely - and in the related challenges, which are manageable if you focus on the end result.
- Surviving large online communities with conciseness and clarity

Chet Ensign, Chief Technical Community Steward, helps technology teams at OASIS work within the organization’s framework to achieve the goals set out in their charters and grow robust communities of adopters and implementers. He plays a major role in setting OASIS strategy, policy, and new programs.
Chet supports teams working in subject areas as diverse as cybersecurity, e-commerce, key management, legal technology, cloud computing, IoT, energy markets, and emergency response. Actively involved with the consortium since it was founded in 1993, Chet joined the staff in 2011. He is based in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, USA.
- Demystifying Open Standards: how Open Source and Open Standards complement each other

CRob Bio
Christopher Robinson (aka CRob) is the Director of Security Communications at Intel Product Assurance and Security. With 25 years of Enterprise-class engineering, architectural, operational and leadership experience, Chris has worked at several Fortune 500 companies with experience in the Financial, Medical, Legal, and Manufacturing verticals, and spent 6 years helping lead the Red Hat Product Security team as their Program Architect.
CRob has been a featured speaker at Gartner’s Identity and Access Management Summit, RSA, BlackHat, DefCon, Derbycon, the (ISC)2 World Congress, and was named a "Top Presenter" for the 2017 and 2018 Red Hat Summits. CRob was the President of the Cleveland (ISC)2 Chapter, and is also a children's Cybersecurity Educator with the (ISC)2 Safe-and-Secure program. He holds a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification, Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) certification, and The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) certification. He is heavily involved in the Forum for Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) PSIRT SIG, collaborating in writing the FIRST PSIRT Services Framework, as well as the PSIRT Maturity Assessment framework. CRob is also the lead/facilitator of the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) Vulnerability Disclosures and OSS Developer Best Practices working groups.
He enjoys hats, herding cats, and moonlit walks on the beach.
- Preparing for Zero-Day: Vulnerability Disclosure in Open Source Software

Clare Dillon is the Executive Director of the InnerSource Commons Foundation. Clare has spent over 25 years working with developers and developer communities. Clare has been involved with InnerSource Commons since early 2019, when she helped set up NearForm’s InnerSource practice. Before that, Clare was a member of Microsoft Ireland Leadership Team, heading up their Developer Evangelism and Experience Group. Clare helps to organize the OSPO++ Network, to support the establishment of University and Government Open Source Program Offices globally, that can collaborate to implement public policy and trustworthy public services. She is also a co-founder of Open Ireland Network. Clare frequently speaks at international conferences and corporate events on topics relating to the future of work, innovation trends and digital ethics.
- InnerSource and OSPOs: Institutionalizing Open Source Culture Change

Cornelius Schumacher is a long-time contributor and leader in the open source community. He has worked on a variety of projects, from volunteer-driven to enterprise. Originally a developer, he has moved into topics of governance, open source compliance, and how to run open source projects well. Cornelius Schumacher works as Open Source Steward at DB Systel, helping teams to successfully use and contribute to open source.
- The five stages of corporate open source adoption

Ms. Danese Cooper is the founder and chair of InnerSource Commons. Previously, she worked with the Irish company NearForm as VP Strategic Initiatives. Prior to joining NearForm, Ms. Cooper spent 4.5 years as Sr. Director and Head of Open Source Software at PayPal, Inc. She was the inaugural Chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. Ms. Cooper previously served as the CTO of Wikipedia, as Chief Open Source Evangelist for Sun and as Sr. Director of Open Source Strategies for Intel. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the Boards of the Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Hardware Association and has advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. She also runs a successful open source consultancy which counts Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, SETI Foundation, Harris Corporation and Numenta as clients. She has been known to knit through meetings.
- Frenemies in FOSS: How to deal with Charter Conflicts and competing efforts

Dr. David Wedaman is an organizational psychologist, developmental coach, and teacher, with backgrounds in higher education, nonprofit administration, and innovative leadership development. His interests include adult development, adaptive change, assessment, collaboration, learning, innovation, decision making, leadership development, systems thinking, and emergent processes. He is an adjunct faculty member in the Organizational and Leadership Psychology Department at William James College. He is certified in Immunity to Change and Lectica adult developmental programs and co-teaches Lectica adult development assessment courses. Recently he has coached at Harvard Business School Executive Education, created an innovative leadership development platform for emerging Food Bank leaders, helped develop a cutting-edge assessment of organizational health for software development communities, and helped resolve interpersonal and structural conflicts in organizational transitions in library and IT contexts.
- Measuring The Health of Open Source Software Communities

Dotan lives at the intersection of technology, product and innovation. With over 20 years in the hi-tech industry as a software developer, a solutions architect and a product manager, he brings a wealth of knowledge in cloud computing, big data solutions, DevOps practices and more.
Dotan is an avid advocate of open source software, open standards and communities. Dotan is an advocate of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), he organizes the CNCF Tel-Aviv meetup group, and runs the OpenObservability Talks podcast, among others.
Currently working as a developer advocate at Logz.io, Dotan evangelizes on Observability in IT systems using popular open source projects such as ELK stack, Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger and OpenTelemetry.
- Relicensing: When Your Open Source Tool Turns to the Dark Side

Inspired by the Inner Source movement more than five years ago, Dr. Wolfgang Gehring turned into an ambassador for Inner and Open Source and has been working on enabling and spreading the idea within the Mercedes-Benz AG and its IT-subsidiary Daimler TSS. A software engineer by trade, Wolfgang’s goal is to enable Mercedes-Benz to fully embrace FOSS and become a true Open Source company.
In his free time, Wolfgang likes to engage in conversations about soccer and is a passionate traveler and scuba diver. He calls Albert Einstein’s birth city of Ulm his home in Southern Germany.
- Invest In The Software That Powers Your World

Open Source Design are a community of designers and developers pushing more open design processes and improving the user experience and interface design of open source software.
- UX Clinic by opensourcedesign.net

Florian Gilcher is a community person and open source entrepreneur. He's a co-founder of multiple conferences and meetups (eurucamp, RustFest, Oxidize, Rust Berlin), has been in leadership of two open source projects (padrino.rb, Rust) and formed 2 companies (asquera, Ferrous Systems). His current mission is bringing Rust into safety critical systems.
- On the importance of leaving

Heath is the Director of Open Source Programs at the UN Foundation’s Digital Impact Alliance. The international development and humanitarian community is increasingly embracing Open Source in developing digital solutions for global challenges. The Digital Impact Alliance’s Open Source Program was founded as a multi-stakeholder initiative to support open source products that have been invested in to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Heath global nomad with an itch for entrepreneurship, having spent more than fifteen years founding and scaling tech-driven startups in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. He thrives at the intersection of technology and social good, with experience in founding startups, in impact investing and in product incubation.
Heath is an active mentor in the Middle East and African technology startup scenes. Prior to joining the Digital Impact Alliance, Heath oversaw iHub Nairobi’s innovation hub launch of an internal software consulting unit and talent development platform. Prior to iHub, he led the East Africa portfolio for impact investment firm Invested Development. For more than 10 years, he served as the founder and ran Tanasuk Technologies, a software consulting firm and startup incubator with offices in Amman, Jordan and Nairobi, Kenya.
Heath holds an MBA from Loyola University Chicago and an MA in sustainable international development from Brandeis University. Understanding the unique challenges of building and managing digital projects in emerging markets, Heath brings diverse expertise in business strategy and technology.
- 1 billion for open source, challenges to funding digital public goods

Ingo Hinterding is Public Tech Lead at the CityLAB Berlin. He studied visual communication with a focus on interface design at the University of Applied Sciences Aachen and has many years of experience in product management, design and software development both as a freelancer and as a founder of various startups. His focus is on the agile development of pragmatic software solutions for complex problems.
- Pull Request your government

Isabel Drost-Fromm is the President of InnerSource Commons. She is also an Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She’s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.
- InnerSource and OSPOs: Institutionalizing Open Source Culture Change

- You keep using that word Governance: I do not think it means what you think it means

Jennifer Fernick is a computer scientist and the SVP & Global Head of Research at NCC Group, a major information assurance firm, and is a founding Governing Board and Technical Advisory Committee member of the Open Source Security Foundation. Most recently, she was Director, Information Security at a large global financial institution, after a tenure as their Senior Cryptographic Security Architect. She spent four years as a PhD researcher at the University of Waterloo, as a member of the Institute for Quantum Computing and the Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research, where her research focused on cryptography & quantum algorithms. Jennifer was a part of the 2018 cohort of the Berkman Assembly at Harvard University and MIT Media Lab, and was a 2019 Technologist Fellow at the National Security Institute at George Mason University. Her career has included designing and building satellite systems, working on bleeding edge cryptography research, building secure systems at massive scale, running incident response events for core pieces of critical infrastructure, and leading the development of global technology standards. She holds a Master of Engineering degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo, and an Honours Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence from the University of Toronto. Jennifer spent multiple years as CFP Chair of Crypto & Privacy Village at DEF CON, and has served on the review boards of venues including USENIX CSET, USENIX Enigma, USENIX WOOT, multiple NeurIPS workshops, and IEICE Transactions Japan, and regularly speaks at major technology conferences including the Linux Foundation Member Summit, the European Conference on Machine Learning, RSA, CFI-CIRT, DEF CON, O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence, and Black Hat USA.
- Preparing for Zero-Day: Vulnerability Disclosure in Open Source Software

Jim Hall is an open source software advocate and developer, best known for usability testing in GNOME and as the founder + project coordinator of FreeDOS. At work, Jim is CEO of Hallmentum, an IT executive consulting company that provides hands-on IT Leadership training, workshops, and coaching.
- Keeping an open source project going for 27 years

John Mark Walker is the Director of Fannie Mae’s Open Source Program Office. He has been a long-time practitioner and advocate for open source collaboration, leading initiatives at Red Hat, Capital One, Dell EMC, and SourceForge.
- InnerSource and OSPOs: Institutionalizing Open Source Culture Change

Joshua Wilson is Longsight’s Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. He leads client relations, business operations, product development, and strategic planning. He has been a leader in academic technology for more than a decade, serving most recently as Associate CIO for Academic Technology at Brandeis University. Josh established the Brandeis MakerLab, a winner of multiple awards at World MakerFaire. Josh has served for more than a decade on the management team for the nationwide MISO Survey, which measures the effectiveness of IT and libraries at more than 150 higher education institutions. Josh chairs the Sakai Community’s Marketing Team, leads the development of Sakai’s 3-year roadmap, and serves on Sakai’s Project Management Committee.
- Measuring The Health of Open Source Software Communities

SphereEx Co-Founder & CTO, Apache Member, Apache ShardingSphere PMC & Apache brpc (Incubating) Mentor & Apache AGE (Incubating) Mentor, AWS Data Hero, China Mulan Open Source Community Mentor.
Previously responsible for the design and development of the intelligent database platform of JD Digital Science and Technology, she now focuses on the distributed database & middleware ecosystem, and open source community building.
She is also the recipient of the “2020 China Open-Source Pioneer” award & the “2021 OSCAR 2021 Top Open Source Pioneer”.
- How to Grow and Mentor an Open Source Community & Achieve Collaboration with Over 170 Listed Corporations

Madalina decided to enter the computer world after seeing a movie about hackers. Since then, she hacked multiple software engineering departments. She is grateful for the many champions she had in her career and has now with Tupu.io the possibility to be the champion of diversity in tech.
- Growing your Career in Tech through Mentorship

Malcolm Bain has been teaching, mentoring and advising on the legal issues of open source for nearly 20 years, and has lots of grey hair as a consequence.
- Update on licensing - "not really" open source licenses

Marie is an open source and privacy advocate, campaigner, event organizer and information security trainer. She studied cultural journalism and researched new models for online journalism platforms. Since then, she has worked as a freelance journalist, campaigner, communications officer, infosec trainer and event organizer for various projects in journalism, privacy and open source.
- Funding is not the (only) solution

Marie Nordin is the current Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator(FCAIC), a full time community architect role focused on supporting the Fedora Project. Marie received a BA in Photography and Graphic Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology(RIT). At RIT, Marie connected with the FOSS@RIT program, and from there the greater FOSS ecosystem with an Outreachy internship. After many years of contributing to Fedora as a graphic designer, meanwhile pursuing a career in Purchasing, Marie stepped into the FCAIC role in 2019.
- R.I.S.E - The importance of Recognition, Incentive, Support, & Empowerment in Community Health

Masae is a Senior Program Manager of Open Source Community Strategy within VMware’s Open Source Program Office. She is leading continuous improvement of upstream contributions, particularly strategic contribution behaviors to drive alignment with the company's business strategies. Masae is a program delivery professional having led numerous global IT & technology programs from consumer digital platforms through to IT infrastructure and business transformations. She started her career as a Windows software developer in Japan and the US at NEC/Microsoft, then moved to the UK taking a role in the telecom/semiconductor sector leading global teams to develop embedded device software based on Linux/Android/iOS at Renesas/Broadcom. She then led large scale SaaS/Infrastructure transformations, cloud data centre and product compliance implementations as part of M&A at Cisco and other blue chip companies. She is UK based living in Windsor with her English husband and 15-year-old son.
- Strategic Alignment of Open Source Contributions with Corporate Product Strategies

Matt is a graduate assistant with the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Their research focus is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in open source software communities. They also help to develop metrics and software for the UNO-centered CHAOSS community, namely in the CHAOSS DEI working group. Their latest endeavor in the open source community is the CHAOSS DEI Badging Initiative, which helps foster better DEI practices for tech events.
- A Better DEI Badge - Made By You
Maurizio Gazzola has 20+ years of experience in management roles in ICT programmes of large international organizations like the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the United Nations. Maurizio’s expertise lies in the development, implementation and delivery of complex ICT systems and services for Government administrations. Currently, he is the Chief of Strategic Solutions at the United Nations Office of Information and Telecommunication Technology, where he works on technology innovation programmes aimed at assisting Member States directly, with concrete support in technology adoption.
- How Open Source (Culture) can benefit the Sustainable Development Goals

P. McCoy Smith is the Founding Attorney at Lex Pan Law LLC, a full-service technology and intellectual property law firm based in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A and Opsequio LLC, an open source compliance consultancy. Prior to his current position, he spent 20 years in the legal department of a Fortune 50 multinational technology company as a business unit intellectual property specialist; among his duties was setting up the free & open source legal function and policies for that company. He preceded his in-house experience with 8 years in private practice in a large New York City-based boutique intellectual property law firm, working simultaneously as a U.S. patent litigator and U.S. patent prosecutor. He was also a patent examiner at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office prior to attending law school. He is licenced to practice law in Oregon, California & New York and to prosecute patent applications in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office; he is also a registered Trademark and Patent Agent with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. He has degrees from Colorado State University (Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, with honors), Johns Hopkins University (Masters of Liberal Arts) and the University of Virginia (Juris Doctor). While in private practice, and continuing into his in-house career, he taught portions of the U.S. patent bar exam for a long-standing and well-known patent bar exam preparation course, and since 2014 has been on the editorial board of the Journal of Open Law, Technology & Society (JOLTS). He lectures frequently around the world on free and open source issues as well as other intellectual property topics.
- Project Ownership & Project Enforcement: The Rules, They Are A-Changing

Monica started Tupu after leaving Elastic when she realized that she will miss the internal mentoring program at Elastic and that no other free mentorship platform exists. In her day job, Monica is the founder & CEO of Xata.io, a serverless database for Jamstack and Low-code. Before, she served as Director of Engineering at Elastic for many years, after her company Packetbeat was acquired by Elastic in 2015. Outside work, she enjoys traveling and is usually busy raising her daughter.
- Growing your Career in Tech through Mentorship

Patricia is a communications expert who has worked in the campaign and communication teams of various NGOs and was responsible for the press and public relations of an association. Before that she studied religion and culture in Berlin and researched on medial discourse hegemony.
- Funding is not the (only) solution

Paula Grzegorzewska is a Strategic Partnerships Director at OFE. She is engaged in topics such as open source, ethical and trustworthy AI and most recently, Open Source Hardware and blockchain. Before, she supported women in closing the gender gap in ICT and entrepreneurship with an NGO in Luxembourg. She has a keen interest in ways that technology can be open, sustainable and beneficial for the society. She has a master’s degree in Communication Studies: New Media and Society in Europe at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel where she learnt more about policymaking and digital media. She co-authored the study on the impact of open source for the European Commission.
- Open Source Program Offices in the public sector - state of play and what's next?

Raphael started web development in his early years of high school and hasn't stopped since. He's the maintainer of a number of open source web applications, Python libraries, and Android apps, and occasional contributor to all kinds of projects. Today, he's focusing on building top-notch software applications for the event industry.
- Building a business on open-source applications

Ray is the Head of Community at Cube Dev where he is helping to grow the community of contributors to the Cube.js project. Prior to Cube Dev, Ray managed open source communities at GitLab and the Linux Foundation. Ray has been a speaker at open source conferences such as All Things Open, Community Leadership Summit, FOSDEM, GitLab Commit, Open Source Summit, and SCaLE.
Ray lives in Sunnyvale, CA with his wife and daughter and all three are loyal season ticket holders of the San Jose Earthquakes soccer team.
- Are we being inclusive with our community recognitions?

Regina has over nine years of experience working with database projects in the IT industry. Currently, she is a Software Engineer at IKEA. Regina is passionate about open-source software. She is the founder of the Pranet initiative; A non-profit organization championing projects that bring about early technology skills in children living in rural communities in Africa. Regina is the Vice President of the board of directors at GNOME Foundation, a non-profit organization building a diverse and sustainable free software personal computing ecosystem. She is building the GNOME Africa community and Linux App Summit (LAS) conference - A global Linux community. She is a speaker who enjoys engaging her audiences during her presentations.
- Mentorship as a Pathway to Open-Source Project Sustainability

Richard runs multiple open source communities dedicated towards understanding open source at the ecosystem level: Sustain, for keeping Open Source alive as a movement; The Digital Infrastructure Fund, for researching how we use open source technologies; and OSPO++, for institutionalizing open source for universities and governments. He runs the Sustain Podcast, with over 100 episodes dedicated with industry leaders on how Open Source works (among other podcasts). A part-time linguist and Latin tutor outside of this work, Richard can also be found writing poetry, trail running, and coding full-stack applications to enable his birdwatching addiction.
- Live Podcasts

Rich is a community architect in the Open Source Program Office, where he has responsibility for the CentOS community. He's been at Red Hat for 8 years, and doing open source things for 20+ years. Rich is the VP of Conferences at the Apache Software Foundation.
- Delivering Bad News: Helping your community through a rough patch

Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects.
Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as the Mautic Project Lead at Acquia, supporting the community who build and maintain the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform.
Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and is based in the East of England.
- Let's make this the year of the contributor experience!

Ruth Ikegah is a Technical Content Manager and GitHub Star. She is sparked about onboarding beginners into the tech system, especially the open-source space. She is currently an active contributor at the CHAOSS DEI Working group. Asides from being actively involved in tech, She is a social volunteer and a voluntary blood donor.
- A Better DEI Badge - Made By You

Scott Jenson has been doing user interface design and strategic planning for over 30 years. He worked at Apple on System 7, Newton, and the Apple Human Interface guidelines. He was UX director of Symbian, VP of product design for Cognima, managed mobile UX for Google and was a creative director at frog design in San Francisco.
Scott returned to Google in 2013 to lead the Physical Web project and research future Android UX concepts. In 2021, Scott left Google to explore life outside.
Blog: jenson.org
- Calling all UX Designers!

Shane is founder of Punderthings, helping organizations find better ways to engage with the critical open source projects that power modern technology and business. He blogs and tweets about open source governance and trademark issues, and has spoken at major technology conferences like ApacheCon, OSCON, All Things Open, Community Leadership Summit, and Ignite.
Shane is serving a Vice Chair the ASF, providing governance oversight, community mentoring, and fiscal review for all Apache projects. Shane has served as a Director and as Vice President, Brand Management for multiple years in the past.
Otherwise, Shane is: a father and husband, a BMW driver and punny guy. Oh, and we have cats. Follow @ShaneCurcuru and read about open source communities and see his FOSS Foundation directory.
- Practical Trademark Law For FOSS Projects

Silona Bonewald is the Executive Director for IEEE SA OPEN, a comprehensive platform offering the open source community cost-effective options for developing and validating their projects. Previously she was vice president of community architecture at Hyperledger, a global open source collaborative effort hosted by The Linux Foundation, where she integrated leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things (IoT), supply chains, and manufacturing. Other notable career accomplishments include, while with PayPal, pioneering the InnerSource process; for Siemens AG, creating a cutting-edge and Six Sigma-compliant e-commerce website; and for Ubisoft, creating an international content management system (CMS) architecture.
- It takes a Village

Kubernetes Security Architect
System Automation
Aligning Industrial Companies to Clouds, Agility, Open Source, Automation
Cloud, Database and Software Architect
K8S since September 2015
Kubernetes Security Meetup Berlin
German Articles on K8Sec at Heise
Member of
Octarine Technical Advisory Board (no VMWare), AG Kritis, Gaia X
Several boards supporting Digital Sovereignty for the EU and Germany
Partner Endocode, Member of the Advisory Board, former CTO
- Log4Shell - The Open Source World on Fire or Why Open Source Security depends on the Funding of Software Maintenance

Tim is head of Digital Services and Innovation in An Garda Síochána (Ireland’s National Police and Security Service) and is the Chief Disruptor who is responsible for Innovation and new and future directions in technology and the Mobility Programme. Tim was formerly CTO of the LGMA, with over 20 years in a number of Senior Management and Technical / Engineering Roles in the Local Government Sector. He has been working in the Public service for almost 30 years. Tim has a Civil Engineering Degree from TCD and a Masters in Innovation from the University of Ulster.
- InnerSource and OSPOs: Institutionalizing Open Source Culture Change

"Tobie Langel is the founder of UnlockOpen, a boutique consulting firm that helps large organizations build a strong open source culture and leverage it to recruit, retain, and foster top software engineering talent, improve team efficiency and boost innovation.
His clients include companies such as Google, Microsoft, Intel, Mozilla, Coil, or Airtable.
Tobie is the facilitator of AMP’s Advisory Committee, a voting member of the OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council, sits on the Advisory Council of OASIS Open Projects, and is a Founding Member of the Organization for Ethical Source.
Previously, he was a member of Facebook’s Open Source and Web Standards team, and was Facebook’s Advisory Committee representative at W3C.
Tobie Langel is known for having co-maintained the Prototype JavaScript Framework. He also edited a number of Web standards, including WebIDL, and led W3C’s Web platform testing effort."
- Does open source need its own Priority of Constituencies?

Tumbling down the open source rabbit hole with a set of floppy disks to install Linux on his dorm room computer in 1996, Tom has been happily contributing to FOSS projects ever since. He spent 19 years at Red Hat in a wide variety of roles (support, sales, release engineering, Fedora Engineering Manager, Open Source Academic Outreach in the CTO's office) before joining the Open Source Strategy & Marketing team at Amazon Web Services. He was the Fedora Legal liason (but not a lawyer) for 15 years, and was a primary author for the initial versions of the Fedora Packaging and Legal Guidelines. He still maintains several hundred Fedora packages, most notably, R, texlive, and chromium. He co-authored an O'Reilly book called "Raspberry Pi Hacks" once, but that was when the Raspberry Pi 1 was cutting edge. In what remains of his spare time, he enjoys science fiction, comic books, traveling, gaming (board, video, whatever), pinball, geocaching, puzzle solving, craft beer, and Transformers. He is based in North Carolina, where he lives with his wife, two boys, and a cat.
- Understanding Corporate Open Source Strategy

Wayne works for the Eclipse Foundation where he fills the dual roles of Director of Open Source Projects and Evangelist. He spends his days working with the many Eclipse open source project teams, learning about Eclipse technology, and making sure that everybody knows just how cool it all really is. In 1982, he received the prestigious Chief Scouts Award from then-Governor General Edward Schreyer. In 1984 his team was selected to represent beautiful British Columbia in the Kinsmen Voyageur Relay. In his spare time, he writes down meaningless accomplishments from his youth in a lame attempt to impress the reader.
Wayne authors the Eclipse Hints, Tips, and Random Musings blog.
- Managing the unmanageable: community driven projects and organization ecosystems at Eclipse Foundation

Wilma is the Director of Training and eLearning Initiatives at Longsight and serves as the Sakai Community Coordinator for the Apereo Foundation. She has more than 20 years experience in faculty training, LMS administration, online pedagogy, instructional design, online course and program development, teaching, and technical writing. Wilma has been involved with the Sakai project since 2009, and plays a leadership role in a number of Sakai community groups. She is an Apereo Fellow and a member of the Sakai Project Management Committee. Wilma holds a master's degree in Technical Writing from the University of Central Florida, and an Ed.D. in Instructional Technology and Distance Education from Nova Southeastern University.
- Measuring The Health of Open Source Software Communities