16.03, 16:00–17:00 (Europe/Berlin), Expert:innen | BoF | Anwender (1306)
QGIS-Chairman Marco Bernasocchi und Kernentwickler Matthias Kuhn stehen während einer Stunde für alle QGIS-relevanten Fragen zur Verfügung.
Mit Marco Bernasocchi und Matthias Kuhn stehen den Interessierten über 20 Jahre gebündeltes Expertenwissen in der Entwicklung, Nutzung und Organisation von QGIS und auf QGIS-basierenden Produkten zur Verfügung.
Open Source Advokat
QGIS Kernentwickler
QField Entwickler
CTO und Mitgründer OPENGIS.ch
Marco Bernasocchi is an open-source advocate, entrepreneur and full-stack geoninja. He is the creator of QField for QGIS, currently serves as QGIS.org Chair, and is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation board member. In his day job, Marco is the CEO of OPENGIS.ch, which he founded in 2011.
A geographer by trade, Marco lives in a small Romansh-speaking mountain village in Switzerland, where he loves scrambling around the mountains to enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives him. Outgoing, flexible and open-minded, Marco fluently speaks five languages. The best thing is: He not only knows how to say it but also loves sharing his know-how.