Introduction to Coordinate Systems
15.03, 11:30–11:50 (Europe/Berlin), Hörsaal 3 (0119)

Brief introduction to Coordinate Reference Systems. Why do we need them; how do we model the earth (sphere, ellipsoid, geoid); Why/how do we use projected systems, like transverse Mercator or LCC. What is on EPSG catalog.

Introduction to basic but important concepts about Coordinate Reference Systems (what is doable in 20 min ;)

  • Geographic Coordinate (Reference) Systems
  • Different Datums/Ellipsoids
  • Projections (Mercator, UTM, LCC, ...)
  • EPSG catalog
  • WKT (well known text) description
  • Reference to library
Siehe auch: Slides in PDF (6,8 MB)

Civil engineer and software developer (mainly C++). The last years I'm focused on GIS, contributing to GDAL and PROJ libraries. Technical Coordinator of Spatial Reference Systems team at Pix4D.
Love old and nice maps.

Bauingenieur und Softwareentwickler (hauptsächlich C++). In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich auf GIS konzentriert und zu GDAL und PROJ beigetragen.
Liebe alte und schöne Karten.