IT meets Industry

Ihre Spracheinstellungen wurden gespeichert. Wir bilden uns ein, hier gutes Deutsch zu schreiben, aber wenn SIe Probleme oder gar Fehler finden, geben Sie uns bitte Bescheid!


Choose between the following participation formats:

Speaking slot:
- 30 minutes – 20’ speech + 10’ Q&A. Please adhere to the allotted time slot.
- Conference languages are German and English. Please indicate which language you choose.
Simultaneous translation German > English will be offered.

- A0-Format with graphics and contact details (organized by attendee)
- Poster language: English
- Optional: 10 minutes speaking slot

** Science Slam:** (reserved for university students and researchers)
- 10 minutes presentation / live demonstration / theatre
- Own research results
- Goal: entertaining the audience at a high level of expertise
- Audience is the jury (based on intelligibility and entertainment)

Please note that promotional content will not be accepted!

Acceptance will be based on the following criteria:
- topic relevance and innovation level
- references
- added value for the audience
- formal criteria

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