JCConf 2022

New Features in Java 18 & 19
2022-10-07 , ROOM 401
Language: 漢語

Java 18 and 19 are released in 2022, including Simple Web Server, Code Snippet in JavaDoc, Vector API, Foreign Function & Memory API, Pattern Matching for switch, Record Patterns and Virtual Threads. Although some of them are still in the preview or incubator stage, we still need to keep learning about the knowledge. They not only improve performance of Java applications, but also introduce new syntax and API to ease our effort to write more readable and efficient code. This session is to introduce these new features and their intentions.

Link to Slide:


十五歲獲贈被淘汰的 386 電腦,沒有硬碟和光碟機而無法玩大補帖,只好改玩程式設計並走上這條不歸路。高中時不小心用 BASIC 寫了行事曆系統和小遊戲,大學唸數學副修資工時玩 C/C++/Java,弄了 BBS、部落格、電子商務平台、進銷存系統和一堆小程式,也順手用 LPC 語言寫 MUD。曾在連鎖資訊教育機構、加值簡訊服務系統、雲端影音平台、全球電子商務、資安防護、以及用戶行為管理等公司中工作,負責架構規劃、系統開發、軟體設計、程式撰寫以及技術教學,並參與各式大型專案的規劃設計、開發實作與部署維護。專長是 Java、軟體工程、系統架構、設計模式、Spring、雲端運算、邊緣運算、物聯網 IoT、開放原始碼套件及各式相關技術。狂熱地喜愛把玩各種新知技術,願望是能一輩子寫程式寫到老。