JCConf 2022

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Andres Almiray

Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and a Java Champion with more than 2 decades of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application development since the early days of Java. Andres is a true believer in open source and has participated on popular projects like Groovy, Griffon, and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects. Founding member of the Griffon framework and Hackergarten community event. Creator of JReleaser.

  • Maven Puzzlers
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Andy Lu

喜愛 Kotlin 的 Android 開發者
Kotlin 讀書會導讀志工
iThome 2021 鐵人賽佳作(Coroutine 停看聽)

  • Kotlin Coroutine X Functional Programming
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Charlie Chang

Ex-Facebooker, 2022年1月加入街口支付核心團隊,目前為團隊負責人。


  • 街口支付核心 - From Good to Great
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Edgar Sanchez

30 years writing business apps. In love with functional programming since learning LISP in college. Co-founder of Logic Studio, a software house with over a hundred friends in Quito, Ecuador. Ecuador Technology Chamber Board of Directors. Microsoft Regional Director. Aspiring trail runner and triathlete.

  • Functional Programming on the JVM with Kotlin
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Howard Hung


  • 快速開發部署微服務的平台 - Azure Spring Apps
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Ivan Ma

Ivan Ma is the MySQL User Group Lead in Hong Kong. He has over 20+ years of experience in enterprise system infrastructure and software technologies. He has certification on MySQL (DBA, Developer, Cluster), Sybase, Java and Solaris.

He Joined MySQL, is currently as MySQL Master Principal Sales Consultant, Asia Pacific with Oracle, responsible for pre-sales consulting, technical education, and product promotions.

Prior to joining MySQL team, he joined Oracle in System Team from Sun Mircosystems acquisition. Prior to Sun Microsystems, he was Principal Solution Architect with Sybase APAC covering APAC regions.

  • Deploying MySQL and Java application for Kubernetes
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Ixchel Ruiz

Ixchel Ruiz has developed software applications and tools since 2000. Her research interests include Java, dynamic languages, client-side technologies, DevSecOps, and testing. A Java Champion, CD Foundation Ambassador, SuperFrog, Hackergarten enthusiast, open source advocate, public speaker, and mentor, Ixchel travels around the world (sometimes virtually) sharing knowledge—it’s one of her main drives in life.

  • DevOps for Java developers
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Jax Liu 劉家瑄,現職為 Canner 易開科技的資料工程師。致力於資料處理系統的研究與開發,曾作為 Apache Spark 的貢獻者(ex: SPARK-21513),現今主要活動於 Trino 社群。

  • 快速落地 Big Data 資料應用: 在 Trino / Presto 上從頭打造 Postgres Wire Protocol
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José is a member of the Java Developer Advocacy team at Oracle. He holds a PhD in applied mathematics and computer science and was an assistant professor at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord. José is an active member of the Paris Java User Group, has been a co-organizer of the Devoxx France conference, and is currently a disorganizer of JChateau. He contributes Java learning content on the dev.java website and publishes "JEP Café", a monthly video cast on the official Java YouTube channel.

  • From Java 17 to Java 21 and Beyond
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Joseph Kuo

十五歲獲贈被淘汰的 386 電腦,沒有硬碟和光碟機而無法玩大補帖,只好改玩程式設計並走上這條不歸路。高中時不小心用 BASIC 寫了行事曆系統和小遊戲,大學唸數學副修資工時玩 C/C++/Java,弄了 BBS、部落格、電子商務平台、進銷存系統和一堆小程式,也順手用 LPC 語言寫 MUD。曾在連鎖資訊教育機構、加值簡訊服務系統、雲端影音平台、全球電子商務、資安防護、以及用戶行為管理等公司中工作,負責架構規劃、系統開發、軟體設計、程式撰寫以及技術教學,並參與各式大型專案的規劃設計、開發實作與部署維護。專長是 Java、軟體工程、系統架構、設計模式、Spring、雲端運算、邊緣運算、物聯網 IoT、開放原始碼套件及各式相關技術。狂熱地喜愛把玩各種新知技術,願望是能一輩子寫程式寫到老。

  • New Features in Java 18 & 19
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Kamesh Sampath

An Author, Consultant and Developer Advocate; Kamesh is a Director of Developer Advocacy at https://harness.io. As part of his role he actively educates developers on Kubernetes/OpenShift, Cloud Native CI/CD, Servicemesh, and Serverless technologies. With a career spanning close to two decades, with the services industry he has helped various enterprise customers build Java-based solutions. Kamesh has been an active Open Source contributor for more than decade. Kamesh is also Google Developer Expert for Google Cloud (Kubernetes).

  • With Cloud Native never build your application, just Continuously Integrate
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Kuma Syu

Kuma 最討厭的就是 coding 了。

你沒聽錯,身為RD,只要能滿足品質與時程,他堅持能夠少寫 code 就少寫 code。



「崇尚敏捷精神,熱愛軟體工程」— 你可以這麼形容他。

  • 讓 TDD + Clean Architecture + CQRS + GOOS 助你每天準時下班
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Laurence Chen
  • 台灣 Clojure 社群 ( https://clojure.tw/ ) 線下活動主持人
  • REPLWARE ( https://replware.dev ) CEO
  • On log messages
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Maggie Kuo


  • 如何使用 Kotlin 快速建構企業網路應用程式
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Matt Ho

喜歡專研各種新技術, 專注於企業架構的解決方案, 偶爾也會貢獻於開源專案, 在松凌科技擔任研發工程師.

  • Using ArchUnit to test your architecture
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Recca Chao

研究 Kotlin 和 Laravel。健忘懶惰,所以喜歡用簡潔的方法做事,Taiwan Kotlin User Group 管理員。

  • 演講的投影片還沒做,就用 Kotlin 做一個吧
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  • 繼續花式 Spring Data JPA
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Tim Chen


  • JPA 的 N+1 試煉之路
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Vincent Huang

Vincent is a coder, speaker, mentor and leader has wide range skill set. He specializes in JVM Backend and DevOps. Reach him via https://jianminhuang.cc !

  • From Spring to Quarkus
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Will 保哥

現任「多奇數位創意有限公司」技術總監。2018 年榮獲 Angular 方向的 Google Developer Expert (GDE) 開發專家。連續 15 度當選微軟最有價值專家(MVP)。2019 獲選微軟技術社群區域總監 (Microsoft Regional Director)。熟悉 Angular、JavaScript、.NET、C#、Java、Go、Docker、Kubernetes 相關技術。擅長 DevOps 與組織文化建立、軟體團隊建構與管理。熱愛分享知識。

  • 漫談 Java 開發者在 Visual Studio Code 的開發者體驗 (DX)
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成功大學的研究生,目前在處理 Apache Kafka 伺服器端的負載平衡議題 (((゚Д゚;)))

  • Apache Kafka replica搬移成本估計
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張瑋修 Walter Chang

張瑋修 (Walter Chang) is a long time Java/Scala developer. He specializes in architectures of the web, both in the browser and the cloud. In his spare time, he likes to explore new things and find out what makes them tick.

  • Functional programming from first principles in Scala
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  • Event streaming on multi-cloud architecture
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杜修文自2010年起加入Oracle MySQL全球事業部門,多年來致力於推廣MySQL技術並幫助企業引進和使用MySQL 。目前是Oracle MySQL工程部東亞太區MySQL資深經理,他和他的團隊在大中華區,韓國和東南亞地區協助的重要客戶的MySQL專案的推展。 他還發起臺灣MySQL使用者社群,這是一個非常活躍的社群,擁有超過6000名成員

  • MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet如何支援Java應用的容災計劃
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  • 遊戲微服務計畫:用好的「木樁」來練就一身系統分析、設計和開發方法論及技術!
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JetBrains 技術傳教士,負責推廣 JetBrains 的工具及技術。主要負責的語言及產品包括 Kotlin、IntelliJ IDEA 及 TeamCity 等團隊合作工具。工作之餘也熱情經營技術社群,常在各社群聚會及研討會裡出沒。

  • Compose for Desktop - 開發桌面軟體的新選擇
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  • Kafka consumer 負載平衡策略介紹與比較