Johannes Blaschke
The "Julia for HPC" minisymposium aims to gather current and prospective Julia practitioners in the field of high-performance computing (HPC) from multidisciplinary applications. We invite participation from industry, academia, and government institutions interested in Julia’s capabilities for supercomputing. The goal is to provide a venue for Julia enthusiasts to share best practices, discuss current limitations, and identify future developments in the scientific HPC community.
The Julia HPC community has been growing over the last years with monthly meetings to coordinate development and to solve problems arising in the use of Julia for high-performance computing.
The Julia in HPC Birds of a Feather is an ideal opportunity to join the community and to discuss your experiences with using Julia in an HPC context.
Note: We will host the BoF via Zoom and share the meeting link 15 min before start time in the #hpc channels of JuliaCon Discord and Julia Slack.