Bogumił Kamiński

I am a researcher in the fields of operations research and computational social science.
For development work I mostly use Julia language.

You can find more information about me on my personal website or GitHub.


Handling Data with DataFrames.jl
Bogumił Kamiński

A case-study based tutorial on working with tabular data using the DataFrames.jl package.

PH 203N
Analyzing social networks with SimpleHypergraphs.jl
Bogumił Kamiński, Przemysław Szufel

A hypergraph is a generalization of a graph where a single edge can connect more than two vertices. Typical applications are related to social data analysis and include situations such as sending a single email to several recipients, a customer giving reviews to several restaurants or analyzing security vulnerabilities of information networks. In many situations the usage of a hypergraph rather than a classical graph allows to better capture and analyze dependencies within the network.

We will start by presenting the library and its functionality. As an example a use case with analysis of Yelp reviews will be shown. The presentation will be based on Jupyter notebook and will be very illustrative for researchers planning to do social network modelling in Julia.

In the second part of presentation we will show how we made use of typical Julia programming patterns to build the library. This includes overloading Array operators to provide a user an Array-like access to the hypegraphs data, using object composition as a standard inheritance mechanism for generating various representations (views) of a hypergraph and finally, making the hypegraph data structures compatible with LightGraphs.jl by providing new method implementations. This should give the participants an overview of typical patterns used when extending the package ecosystem of the Julia language.

Acknowledgement: The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

Elm B
A case study of migrating to the Julia language
Bogumił Kamiński is an on-line platform for financial planners. Recently its core compute engine has been migrated to the Julia language. In this talk we discuss the reasons and benefits of this decision.

Elm A