JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

BinaryBuilder.jl — The Subtle Art of Binaries that "Just Work"
07-25, 14:00–17:30 (UTC), Green Track

This workshop will walk you through the wonders of BinaryBuilder.jl, the framework that allows you to compile binary libraries and programs for all supported Julia platforms.

Join via Zoom: link in email from Eventbrite. Backup Youtube link: https://youtu.be/3IyXsBwqll8

In a perfect world, all interesting code would be written in Julia and there would be no need to worry about anything else. Of course, we do not live in that world, and we must jump through hoops to ensure that code written in other languages is easily accessible from Julia. BinaryBuilder.jl makes it easy to take software written in compiled languages such as C, C++, Fortran, Go or Rust, and build precompiled artifacts that can be used from Julia packages with ease.

In the first part of this workshop you will learn about the motivations for this package and how it solves the issues of provinding the needed binaries, but also the issue it creates!

In the second part we will guide you through the process of crafting a build recipe using BinaryBuilder.jl; we will demonstrate using the wizard which will guide you through the process of constructing a build_tarballs.jl script, then show how advanced users can write their own scripts in case they need more power or flexibility.

Finally, in the hands-on section of the workshop you will have the opportunity to write a new recipe and submit your first pull request to Yggdrasil, the mythical collector of all BinaryBuilder.jl scripts, with the support of the presenters.

Elliot Saba is a Senior Research Engineer at Julia Computing, where he develops new tools to bolster the Julia community's collective productivity. From machine learning algorithms to web services, build environments to debugging tools, his greatest weapon against the impossible is patience.

This speaker also appears in:

Research Software Developer at UCL during the day, binary builder during the night.