JuliaCon 2020 (times are in UTC)

Creating a multichannel wireless speaker setup with Julia
07-30, 12:30–12:40 (UTC), Purple Track

The Julia package ecosystem provides a rich trove of useful functionality across a wide range of platforms. By standing on the shoulders of giants and combining packages such as ZMQ.jl, Opus.jl, PortAudio.jl, DSP.jl and more, we are able to build a multichannel, low-latency, intelligent wireless speaker system that runs on cheap single-board linux computers.

Taking advantage of some of the strengths of the Julia package ecosystem and tooling, we will demonstrate the ease with which an advanced wireless speaker system can be developed and deployed across heterogenous architectures. Combining ZMQ.jl for easy and fast communication, DSP.jl and PortAudio.jl for signal processing/audio IO, Opus.jl for high-quality compression during transmission and some cheap single-board linux computers, we are able to build a system that performs the kind of realtime audio processing that we crave, all without breaking the bank. This talk will focus on demonstrating the usefulness of having a single language that can deal with signal processing, low-latency network communication, and cross-platform binaries, all at once.

Elliot Saba is a Senior Research Engineer at Julia Computing, where he develops new tools to bolster the Julia community's collective productivity. From machine learning algorithms to web services, build environments to debugging tools, his greatest weapon against the impossible is patience.

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