Bogumił Kamiński
I am a researcher in the fields of operations research and computational social science.
For development I use the Julia language. I currently mostly contribute to DataFrames.jl and related packages.
In this workshop an introduction to DataFrames.jl 1.2 will be presented. You will learn how to load, transform and visualize your data using the DataFrames.jl package. The tutorial assumes that you have some experience in working with data frames in e.g. R or Python.
All the materials used are available for download at
Registering a new release for your package is always a great moment. However, there are several challenges related with release management. In this talk, using the experience from JuliaData ecosystem, I will discuss the major things to consider if you want to keep your users happy.
In this talk I discuss what has recently changed in DataFrames.jl, what is the current state of the package, and what are our plans for the future.