Open Education Day 2024

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IoT Embedded Programming with CircuitPython
2024-05-04 , Fab8: C203
Language: English

CircuitPython is "the easiest way to program microcontrollers". If you use Arduino or know a little bit of Python, consider joining this mini workshop.

CircuitPython [0] is "the easiest way to program microcontrollers". If you use Arduino or know a little bit of Python, consider joining this mini workshop [1].

Bring a laptop with USB, any OS. Get from blink to IoT in ~1 hour. Everything is open source, of course! We'll provide 10 hardware kits. 2 or 3 people can share a kit :)

Deutsch ou Français? Both is fine, we can help!


  1. Open Manufacturing, Making und Open Hardware

Lehrpersonen / Dozierende, Interessierte, Sekundarstufe II (Gymnasium, FMS, BMS), Tertiärbildung (Hochschulen, Erwachsenenbildung, ...)

See also: Slides

Maker, Engineer, Teacher.