Open Education Day 2024

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Creating generic OER for discipline-specific needs?
04/05/2024 , Fab8: B203
Langue: English

To familiarize students with "Open Science" topics early in their studies, the Open Science Services of the University Library at UZH prepared various short slide sets designed as OER, which instructors can incorporate into their courses in just a few minutes and with very little preparation. Each set of slides focuses on a key question that highlights an aspect of Open Science from the students' perspective, such as “to what extent am I allowed to reuse digital content?” or “how and where can I self-archive my work?” or “how can I access scientific publications without having to pay?” When developing these teaching materials, it turned out that certain topics in the area of Open Access are well suited for generic teaching materials, while others on the topic of Open Data require much more subject-specific foci. This talk examines the extent to which generic OERs can be created for subject-specific needs. Possible solutions will be presented and discussed with the participants.

Kategorie (Swissuniversities)
  1. Students Perspectives, OER-Champions und Best Practices

Lehrpersonen / Dozierende, Tertiärbildung (Hochschulen, Erwachsenenbildung, ...)

Voir aussi : Slides (4,5 Mio)

Regula Zwicky is a member of the Open Science Services team at the University Library at UZH. She has been dealing with the opportunities and challenges of digital education for over 10 years.