Open Education Day 2024

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From Bad to Better: Transforming Terrible Ideas into OER Success
04/05/2024 , Fab8: C201
Langue: English

In this workshop, we use a creative approach to address challenges for OER-adoption. We believe that by exploring and dissecting the worst possible ideas for shutting down OER use, we can pave the way for constructive solutions.

In the first part, attendees will engage in a reverse thinking brainstorming session where the goal is to generate as many terrible ideas as possible for undermining OER adoption at their institution. This exercise will encourage creative thinking, helping us identify potential pitfalls and barriers. In the second part, we'll transform these terrible ideas into actionable steps. Attendees will collaborate to refine and reshape these ideas into practical strategies to enhance OER integration in their institutions. By examining the worst ideas and turning them into positive actions, participants will leave with a clearer path forward for successful OER implementation, equipped with strategies to overcome potential obstacles.

Image: "Day #93 OER" by Martin Weller, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

  1. Open Educational Resources, Open Content und Open Data

Lehrpersonen / Dozierende, Bildungsverantwortliche, Schulleitungen, IT-Verantwortliche, Interessierte, 1. Zyklus (KG, Primar), 2. Zyklus (Primar - Mittelstufe), 3. Zyklus (Sek I), Sekundarstufe II (Gymnasium, FMS, BMS), Tertiärbildung (Hochschulen, Erwachsenenbildung, ...)

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Dr. Lena Tichy is a Community Manager at Bern University of Applied Sciences and is supporting teachers in creating their own Open Educational Resources. She is passionate about open educational practices, creativity and writing.