Open Education Day 2024

Workshop: Open Scholar Framework
04.05.2024 , Fab8: B203
Sprache: English

This workshop presents the Open Scholar Framework: a self-evaluation environment to assess one's competences in Open Education, Open Science and Open Community. The workshop is an opportunity for participants to test the environment and to provide feedback to contribute to its future development.

This workshop deals with Open Scholar competences in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
A self-evaluation framework has been developed to assess one's own competences with regard to Open Education, Open Science and Open Community, the three missions of HEIs. Theoretically, the framework is based on sustainability education, namely Sterling's Triang model on the one hand, and it uses Coulet's activity theory to describe competences on the other. The competences have been identified in a previous study with a systematic literature review of three key concepts, Open Educator, Open Researcher and Open Scholar, carried out on a total of 821 articles between 2011 and 2023, as well as the content analysis of 10 competence frameworks.
Based on these findings and inspired by the Open Educators Factory toolkit (, the open source self-evaluation environment Open Scholar Framework (OSF) is being developed.

Technically, the OSF has been designed on the basis of ontological models. To ensure interoperability at the semantic level, it is necessary to use common vocabularies between web tools. Ontological models can provide a precise semantics for the description of open competences by providing a unique meaning for a concept and its relationships. First, users will answer a detailed questionnaire designed to assess their level of understanding, engagement and experience with Open Scholarship. The results are then presented in a clear and concise way in a personalised dashboard, allowing users to visualise their positioning in relation to the key competences of Open Education, Open Science and Open Community. The visualisation will helps users to identify their strengths and also provide recommendations on how to become even better in strong areas and develop a minimum level of fluency in others. The recommendations can thus be used as individually tailored professional development plans based on users’ input into the questionnaire.
Finally, the questionnaire will evolve from year to year to reflect scientific advances in the field of Open Scholarship, so taking it once a year, for example, could become professional development good practice.

During the workshop we will first present the design process used to develop the Open Scholar Framework and describe its main functionalities. Participants will be invited to use the OSF environment and feedback on how to improve it will be shared in plenary.

Class , B., Bebbouchi, D., Fedorova, A., Cheniti-Belcadhi, L., Khayat, G., & Shlaka, S. (Submitted). Towards a Competence Framework for Open Scholars: Acknowledging the Dearth of Epistemic Competences. Education and Information Technologies.
Coulet, J.-C. (2011). La notion de compétence: un modèle pour décrire, évaluer et développer les compétences. Le travail humain, 74, 1-30.
Sterling, S. (2021). Concern, Conception, and Consequence: Re-thinking the Paradigm of Higher Education in Dangerous Times [Original Research]. Frontiers in Sustainability, 2.

Kategorie (Swissuniversities)
  1. Open Source Tools, KI und Technologien für Open Education

Lehrpersonen / Dozierende, Forschende, Interessierte, Tertiärbildung (Hochschulen, Erwachsenenbildung, ...)