Open Education Day 2024

A Platform for publishing Open Educational Resources (OER) for HEI's
04.05.2024 , Fab8: A204
Sprache: English

The ZHAW in collaboration with SWITCH have launched a pilot project with the goal of developing a new platform to share Open Educational Resources for Higher Education Institutions. The platform's goal is to facilitate the exchange of learning materials among teachers in Switzerland's higher education community and make Open Educational Resources (OER) accessible to both students and lifelong learners worldwide.

In this session we will take a look at the project as a whole, discuss the benefits and potential of such a OER-Platform and take a look at the Repository itself, which is built by the software "Edu-Sharing".

Kategorie (Swissuniversities)
  1. Kooperation, Co-creation und Re-use

Lehrpersonen / Dozierende, Bildungsverantwortliche, Schulleitungen, IT-Verantwortliche, Interessierte, Tertiärbildung (Hochschulen, Erwachsenenbildung, ...)

Siehe auch: Presentation (1,2 MB)

Roger Flühler works at the ZHAW University Library in the OER Competence Center. As part of a four-member team, he strives to promote the "Openness in Education" initiative at ZHAW, aiming to make education more freely accessible.