
Mahe Iram Khan

Mahe is a Computer Engineering undergrad student from India. She codes in Python and C++ and is a Packaging fan.
She is an intern at conda-forge, helping writing the conda-forge documentation. She is also an intern at Quansight Labs where she is adding new cool features to Grayskull.
Her hobbies are reading novels and eating tasty food.


Kickstart Your Journey into The Conda Packaging World with Grayskull
Mahe Iram Khan

To a newbie in the packaging world, writing recipes could seem quite intimidating. Even people who are not so new would agree that writing package recipes is tiresome, not to say highly errorprone. Example recipes and templates help, but one would rather their package recipe was generated automatically and was perfectlyconcise.
Of course, Anaconda provides Conda Skeleton. Although Conda Skeleton is a helpful tool, it falls short of being the perfect recipe generator for several reasons: it's slow in generating recipes, cannot be deployed on systems without conda, andhas a huge number of dependencies. The recipes itgenerates are also not always concise.

Grayskull solves all these problems.
Grayskull is an automatic conda recipe generator. It generates concise conda recipes for Python packages available on PyPI specially customized for (but not limited to) the conda-forge ecosystem.
Grayskull significantly improves upon existing recipe generators in terms of speed, conciseness of the recipes, packaging environment specificity, and memory usage.
Grayskull has proved to be an extremely useful tool for the packaging ecosystem by generating accurate recipes quickly.
Grayskull, by making it possible to generate conda recipes for PyPI packages, brings PyPI closer to the Conda and reduces fragmentation inthe packaging ecosystem.
