What is Chocolatey, The Package Manager for Windows?
11-09, 17:50–18:10 (UTC), Room 2

Nix has awesome packing tools. Many of them. Windows was always the landscape of Next -> Next -> Next.

Ever wished you could take all of those Windows applications you run, install them, and not have to click anything? Easily keep them up to date and not click anything? And in WINDOWS?

Come with me on this journey, and you’ll see a world of Windows Automation, Package Management and a thriving Community.

When we think about package management we always think about nix - apt, yum, dnf etc. Widnows doesn't really come to mind.

I want to introduce the audience to the package manager for Windows; Chocolatey. Chocolatey has been around since 2011 and has a Community Package repository of over 800 unique packages, 100K+ package versions and in excess of 1B package downloads.

Paul is a Engineer at heart with a love of PowerShell, Automation, Chocolatey, Scottish single malt whisky and wireless earphones. He has given workshops and spoken at different events across the UK, Europe and the US. He has a real passion for passing on knowledge and loves to talk with aspiring techies.

He is a Microsoft MVP and MCT, is Lead Engineer on the Boxstarter and DSC cChoco Chocolatey projects and is an organiser of the DATA:Scotland event. His career has seen him work in many sectors for over 25 years. As somebody kindly put it, he's been about a bit.

In his spare time, he usually continues to stare at computer screens and works on his own or Chocolatey projects. But on those rare occasions, when he is not staring at computer screens and listening to a strange mix of music on his wireless earphones, you can find him relaxing with a nice single malt whisky and reading ... usually technical books.