Vcpkg Asset Caching: Solving the Air Gap
11-09, 18:15–18:35 (UTC), Room 2

Package management is the vital tool enabling reuse of other's code from around the world. However, this dream quickly collides with business fundamentals such as security, reliability, and authenticity. In this talk, we'll discuss vcpkg's new asset caching capabilities and how they enable enterprises to participate in the open source community without compromising essential objectives -- especially for secured networks without internet access.

This presentation will cover the asset caching functionality in vcpkg which enables uniform mirroring of external assets including sources and prebuilt tools. We'll cover how this system works in conjunction with vcpkg's registry, port, and binary caching systems to enable offline and disconnected systems to still take full advantage of open source projects and recipes without modification.

Senior Software Developer at Microsoft working on Visual C++ Acquisition, Install, and Release. Lead Architect of vcpkg.