The rise of mostly universal package managers
11-09, 21:50–21:52 (UTC), Plenaries

Every project has installation instructions describing system requirements as a list of system and other packages to install. It is time to get rid of this README section! Let's look at the rise of universal package management where one tool and one unified spec can rule them all.

Because no tech stack is an island with a single programming language and packaging ecosystem, universal package management tools that abstract the kinks and subtle differences between package ecosystems are emerging to solve a practical problem all package authors and users are facing. Let's look at what they are, and what they could become, and why you need one.

Philippe Ombredanne is a passionate FOSS hacker, lead maintainer of ScanCode, creator of Package URL, co-founder of SDPDX and ClearlyDefined. He is on a mission to enable easier and safer to reuse FOSS code with best in class open source Software Composition Analysis tools and data for open source discovery, license & security compliance at