Python Brasil 2022

Python Brasil 2022 in Manaus

Python Brasil is the largest conference on Python programming language in Brazil and Latin America. Made by the community and for the community, it aims to spread the language, disseminate knowledge, promote the exchange of experiences, and keep the community growing equally in audience and social impact.

This year, Python Brasil will take place in Manaus (AM) between October 17 and 23, 2022 at Vasco Vasques Convention Center. It will be seven days of immersion, where participants will be able to contribute to open source projects, participate in training, and acquire new knowledge from other people in the community.

In this edition, we will keep Track in Spanish with the goal of meeting content producers from other Latin American countries.

Following the motto People > Technology, we like to know who attends our event, so there are questions about how people see themselves in our registration forms. This data will serve as statistics about our audience and will also guide future improvements in our diversity policies. We hope you feel comfortable collaborating with our survey.

Everyone who attends Python Brasil must agree to follow the guidelines specified in the Code of Conduct, be up to date with its vaccination regimen and respect the event's health restrictions.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact

All lectures will be streamed on our YouTube channel.