State of the Map Africa 2021

Lightning Talks II
20/11/2021 , Room 1
Langue: English

Importance des données Ouvertes en milieux ruraux


Cartographie détaillées de la zone de santé rurale de Kalunuguta au Nord-Kivu en RDC, a apporté beaucoup plus d'amélioration dans la santé publique en milieu rural en utilisant les outils open source dans la collecte des données cartographiques et sanitaire. Dans le secteur sanitaires, les informations sur les origines des patients dans une aire de santé, ont apporté des améliorations dans le service des personnels soignants dans beaucoup de structures sanitaires.

Meet the OSM DRC community

Claire Halleux

OpenStreetMap is built by people for people. Beyond the data, meet the people who are making the map in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa). From the Kivus to Moanda via Kinshasa, from Lubumbashi to Bunia through Kamina, discover the mappers, how they map and get organized, and how they deal with their local challenges.

Podcasting: Promoting Awareness of Open Geo in Africa

Africa GeoConvo

There has always been a need to promote awareness of open geo including Openstreetmap by using different communication channels, especially in Africa. When people don't have information they need, they miss out on a lot of opportunities, ultimately resulting in low morale. Creating a content library of podcast is a great strategy to promote and disseminate useful information to the community - this is what we are doing with Africa Geospatial Conversation (Africa Geoconvo).

5 Tips for Building Local OSMCommunities in Low Income Economies

Thando Mathe

This talk explores 5 ideas on how to build sustainable OSM Communities of local mappers in low economically developed countries in Africa. To start mapping, one needs access to a computer and internet. These aren’t readily available and accessible for most young mapping enthusiasts due to high costs of data and the likes. This means a select few have the opportunity to fully participate consistently as an organised group of mapping community. To circumnavigate these challenges 5 basic approaches are proposed including partnering with local institutions, hosting scheduled events, creating specific micro-objectives, and working in small groups.