State of the Map Africa 2021

Geospatial data for improving secondary effects mitigation during disasters
19/11/2021 , Room 2
Langue: English

Primary effects of disasters accounts also for secondary impacts. Spread of diseases such as cholera is one of the impacts that is accompanied with floods. This visualization describes the use of field data of trash points collected to design the best waste collection route. The output is base map that targets to serve as the guide for waste collectors and the municipal to enhance community resilience during disasters.

Solomon mahlangu Campus of sokoine university of agriculture has been experiencing yearly flood due to overflow of the river that passes in between the university and the residents. This project was granted to students in the university to explorer field practice and solve the challenges that are accompanied by floods. Early stages of the project involved community mapping processes where students went to the field and met with the community members where they collected trash points data in every households. Most of the participants were from youth mappers chapter in the university. This project was also accompanied by workshops and webinars to share the outputs with the community to elucidate them on the insights of the project. In the workshops demonstration of the methodology used and final datasets after validation. Also this project was not only conducted by students but also experts in the field of mapping and use of open data. One of the organisation was open map development Tanzania and geospatial technology and the environment from Tanzania. The methodology made use of open source tools such as Application programming interface from Github and quantum geographical information system as a tool for data analysis and visualization. The last phase was making this datasets available for the public and used as open data were anyone can have access to the data. The criteria used for analysis of the best route was waste accessibility from the households to the dump site ( foot, cart or truck). This project was supervised by university mentor Dr Mwalilino. This was a successful project with future scope to cover more details of the problem stated and the report generated shall be presented to local government to be used in the future design of waste collection routes.

Voir aussi : presentation document (5,3 Mio)

I am organized, meticulous and adaptive environmental scientist and Geographical
Information System (GIS) specialist with three years of experience in spatial and non-spatial
data visualization, management, mapping, modeling and analysis. I am also capable of
conducting training on applications on geospatial technology techniques for field workers and
learners in various fields. These skills and experience makes me a great team player focused
on adding value to any enterprise. My career lies upon these skills to support decision makers
with accurate and updated information to address different environmental challenges with
their solutions and sustainable use of natural resources through research and consultations.