State of the Map Africa 2021

Poster Presentation
21/11/2021 , Room 2
Langue: English

Plateforme de génération de preset pour JOSM


Ce projet à pour ambition d'aider la communauté OpenStreetMap à constituer un écosystème plus harmonieux. La plateforme web que nous voulons mettre en place permettra aux utilisateurs (contributeurs OSM) de générer aisément un preset ou de faire une proposition de tag à la communauté pour faciliter la cartographie des éléments.

YouthMappers Field work program to address flash flood vulnerabilities

Frank, Marthad Khojama

Most urban floods are accompanied by either poor design of drainage systems or invading of livelihood along waterways. Morogoro region specifically Morogoro urban district is among of them. The delaying deployment of mitigations is accompanied by either presence of outdated data or completely lack of data in areas around the region. The scarcity of data such as trashes generation rate, types of waste produced, distribution and distance of trash point from drains together with the altitude of delivering the architectural plans of the urban forced urban planners to blindly architect the urban to withstand hydrological calamities.

Voir aussi : Flood Poster (666,1 Kio)