State of the Map Africa 2021

OpenStreetMap for Business in Ethiopia - the case of AddisMap
20/11/2021 , Room 1
Langue: English

Beyond community mapping and humanitarian services OSM maps can be used in a wide range of business applications. One of them is location based businesses promotion and information portal. Hence or was founded. It works by adding custom map layer containing relevant business information for each individual POIs. It creates a standard business/information page for every POI/location added.

Before all of these the AddisMap project was initiated in 2008 as a means to start OSM mapping in Ethiopia and expand the knowledge towards the larger community specially through organization of Mapping Party, presenting OSM at the WhereCampAfrica (e-Learning) forum and at the monthly ICT-CrackerBarrel that was being organized by GIZ and British Council that brings together various professionals.

We also have been able to map out 90% of Addis Ababa and major towns across Ethiopia using GPS Loggers, Garmin Devices and Bing Satellite Imagery.

Although this is the main foundation story of OSM implementation, there are several major tasks carried out by the AddisMap team. Some that are worth mentioning are YeneGuzo App (Public Transport Application based on OpenTripPlanner and Trufi), Route-to-Market (RTM) services, EDS (Every Dealer Survey) and Mobile Money Agents Mapping for Ethio-Telecom's TeleBirr service.

I am a web developer and GIS professional. I have started OSM mapping in 2009. I have participated in various mapping projects for both business and community works, that enabled me to train more than 15 people on the OSM based mapping, visualization and editing using QGIS and JOSM. I love open-source projects and technologies as they are the best solution for developing a well trained and equipped mappers and IT professionals for developing countries like mine (Ethiopia).