Erica Hagen
We will present the outcomes of the Cities Covid Mitigation and Mapping project from the US Department of State. Map Kibera and GroundTruth Initiative mapped impacts of Covid-19 in the sectors of education (school closings, and economic impacts on families and school staff), water (water shortages in the slums during key times in the pandemic), and sanitation (curfews and other disruptions to toilet access). The data in OSM shows how residents of informal settlements had uneven access to services and how Covid-19 caused major challenges beyond health impacts.
This workshop will cover the basics of using Kobo toolbox, Open Data Kit and JOSM to do basic field mapping in OSM. Map Kibera has been using Kobo and ODK and working with Kobo to create better ways to get data into JOSM for field mapping. The workshop will share these tools with a hands on approach.