Jochen Topf

Jochen has been active in the OSM project since 2006. He is co-author of the first book on OpenStreetMap and has given many talks about OSM. As part of his job as a freelance software developer and in his spare time he has written a lot of Open Source software for the OSM project including Osmium and Taginfo. He is on the board of directors of the FOSSGIS e.V., the German chapter of the OSMF.

Affiliation OpenStreetMap username

Jochen Topf


OSM data processing with PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Jochen Topf

The PostgreSQL database with the PostGIS extension is an important instrument in the toolbox of anybody working with OSM data. This talks explains the basics of working with the SQL database and how it handles geographic data. We'll look at getting OSM data in and out of such a database and what we can do with the data once it is in there.

Data Analysis & Data Model
Hörsaal Ost