OpenStreetMap in Croatia
2019-09-23 , Kleiner Hörsaal

State of OpenStreetMap in Croatia. Community that builds the data, and community that uses the data.

Croatia has no official OpenStreetMap local chapter organisation, but we function well as a unorganised group of organised individuals. We started archiving daily extracts of our country in 2009. and later we extended that task to surrounding countries for daily extracts and some rudimentary statistics generation. Our main goal is to spread the word about OpenStreetMap to our friends, coworkers, tourist information centers, companies, everywhere we can in Croatia and sorounding countries, and in that way get new users and new mappers. There are few tourist maps based on OpenStreetMap data and there are more in development, and there is a growing trend of OpenStreetMap usage for webmaps. Until recently there was a lot of goverment data but it was not available for use, after few requests for the right of data reuse now we have data available for OpenStreetMap use. With goverment institutions starting to grant us the rights to use their aerial imagery, there are privat companies starting to do so too. We acquired not only raster data but started to acquire goverment vector data which is great news. There are a lot of plans, we are moving forward every day one step at a time, but there is not enough of us to do it all ...


OpenStreetMap Croatia community

Talk keywords:

OpenStreetMap Croatia community data progress

open geo/data/source/standard enthusiast, longtime OpenStreetMap & OpenStreetMap Croatia contributor, longtime Croatian Linux Users Group member, system administrator at Open IT d.o.o.