09-21, 17:30–17:50 (Europe/Berlin), Großer Hörsaal
The Desktop GIS QGIS offers many ways to work with OpenStreetMap data. This presentation will give an overview on how you can use OpenStreetMap data with QGIS.
The Desktop GIS QGIS (https://qgis.org) is Open Source software and an OSGeo project (https://osgeo.org). QGIS offers many possibilities to work with different sort of data - vector, raster & services. You can visualize, style, edit and process data and your have a great variety of additional functionality via Python plugins.
QGIS offers many ways to work with OpenStreetMap data. Most of the possibilities can be added via plugins. You can download OSM data directly - complete data or only a subset via the Overpass API. You can use a search module for OSM data. Load OSM data as OGC WMS or as background. You can create great 3D maps with your OSM data. You can use a routing plugin and offer a routing on your OSM data. You can create field papers and create great print layouts. You can analyze your data and process it. You can publish your OSM data as an OGC WMS or WFS with QGIS Server.
QGIS is a great Desktop QGIS and even more.
This presentation will give an overview on how you can use OpenStreetMap data with QGIS and will demonstrate it via use cases.
QGIS is written in C++ and uses the Qt library. QGIS is a community project with many people from all over the world involved.
Get to know the great combination of OSM data and QGIS
Talk keywords –Desktop GIS,QGIS,Software
Astrid Emde is an active member of OSGeo and a Charter Member since 2010. In 2017 she was elected to the OSGeo Board of Directors and as OSGeo Secretary. She recieved the Sol Katz Award in 2018 at FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). She is involved in the OSGeoLive project and in the Marketing Committee and loves to organize OSGeo events like Conferences and Community Meetings. Astrid Emde is part of the Mapbender Team since more than 10 years. She works in Bonn at WhereGroup since many year and works as Senior GIS Consultant on WebGIS solutions with FOSSGIS. She lead several workshops and presentations and is part of the trainer team of FOSS Academy. She loves to spread the spirit of OSGeo, FOSS4G & FOSSGIS!