Lucy Fondo

Lucy Fondo is an enthusiastic mapper working as a trainer and field supervisor at Map Kibera Trust. Her role at Map Kibera has been resourceful and assisted the organization get recognition in the slums of Kibera and further through partnerships and direct contact with the slum community of Kibera. She has been an active contributor to the top projects which revovlved around improving Health and Sanitation, Education and Security in the region. Lucy has also been priviledged to work with counties in Participatory Mapping Project sponsored by the World Bank. When off duty she spends her time touring the country and with her family. She is currently working on schools update for Kibera and Kangemi Slums of Kenya. You can reach her through her email and Facebook at Lucy Fondo.


Participatory Budgeting & Mapping with citizens and government
Erica Hagen, Lucy Fondo

Map Kibera has been working for the past two years with some of Kenya’s county governments to create maps of their primary features and funded projects. After implementing a Participatory Budgeting process, these counties realized that without good maps it was difficult for people to not only allocate resources, but to work with citizens to identify needs and prioritize funds. Map Kibera has been assisting counties to map key features and projects in OSM by working with youth from the local communities. The maps not only serve to connect citizens to the budgeting process and hold county government accountable for the funded projects, but, they have also become central to county functions in all areas. This talk will share all about the process used and outcomes.

Track 2