Currently working as Regional Ambassador,EveryWhereSheMaps, YouthMappers from Asia region. A passionate and result-driven individual who wants to learn, grow and thrive research skills through dedication, hard work, and perseverance.
- Why Does Sexism within OpenStreetMap Matter?

bio sketch can be found here: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Board_Member_Bios#Allan_Mustard
I am currently chairperson of the board of directors of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

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I'm a licensed Tableau Desktop Specialist, geospatial scientist, licensed environmental planner, and public servant #spatially4u. I'm also a mental health advocate and part of Mental Health AWHEREness PH, Inc., a non-profit, non-stock organization that aims to share and contribute to an online platform and map of available mental health facilities and services in the Philippines that offer help to people with their mental health.
- Exploring Sound maps using OpenStreetMap data and FOSS through MANILAud: Metro Manila Soundscapes

Born in East Germany, degree in German and English linguistics and literature, moved to Ireland in 2016. Keen interest in history and playing music. I wouldn't describe myself as "having an interest in computer things", I just teach myself skills I consider necessary and useful.
- Mapping Heritage in Ireland - A Journey

Product leader at Grab working on Maps and Navigation. I love to work on products that help drive impact at scale helping people and communities live and earn better.
- Journey to improving the Navigation experience for Grab Driver partners using OSM

Cartographic technologist in Taiwan, building Protomaps, a universal mapping system. Building simple, high-performance tools for OSM, such as OSMExpress and PMTiles.
- A new map renderer for OSM? Rasters, vectors, language and internationalization
Started a open source journey planner called "Trufi" 2018 in Cochabamba, Bolivia - the app spread to Addis Ababa, Tetouan and Accra as well as Duitama and Hamburg (as a public transport & bike app).
The Presentation will be done together with project manager Zarah Ziaidi who organized the project behind the talk.
- How to map a city's public transport during a pandemic

Christoph Hormann works as a freelance geovisualization designer and engineer and is one of the maintainers of the OSM-Carto project.
- Understanding the map - OSM-Carto map reading Q&A
Courtney Clark is the Program Director of Everywhere She Maps for YouthMappers. She directs activities to address the underrepresentation of women in the geospatial community through a Leadership Fellowship for Women in Technology, professional development and internship opportunities for YouthMappers, a team of Everywhere She Maps Regional Ambassadors, and collaborative mapping campaigns aimed at creating geospatial data to gender equity. She also serves as Manager of Sponsored Projects for the American Geographical Society, where she supports US human geography teachers at the secondary level. She volunteers for the humanitarian OSM Community Working Group and the OSMF Membership Working Group.
- Ethical Mapping with and for People Living with Vulnerability
- Why Does Sexism within OpenStreetMap Matter?
Roland contributes to OpenStreetMap since 2008, and always in his spare time. He is the author of the Overpass API. He is a mathematician who now works in software development, currently for ticketing in public transit.
- Overpass API since 10 years

Dustin is a software engineer who enjoys imagining how existing public spaces can be used more creatively and efficiently. He started A/B Street in 2018 independently of any company and has been growing the open source community around it since then.
- A/B Street: Using OSM for transportation advocacy

I first got involved in OpenStreetMap when I joined Mapillary in 2015, but my love of maps started long before that. In fact it started when I was gifted a Dorling Kindersley geographic atlas. Since then I've been fascinated by maps and the way they help us understand the world.
Mapillary is now part of Facebook, and I work as a Program Manager, supporting groups and individuals utilising street-level imagery to solve geospatial problems.
I volunteer as Chair of OSGeo Oceania and contribute regularly to OpenStreetMap.
- OpenStreetMap and the neglected pedestrian
Dewi has been an OSM contributor since 2012. In 2016, she joined HOT Indonesia and worked for the PDC InAWARE project to map infrastructure data in Surabaya, Jakarta, and Semarang. Now she was working at Gojek, a ride-hailing company from Indonesia
- Identifying Unmapped Highway in OSM

Enock Seth Nyamador is an advocate for Free/Libre and Open Source Solutions and Communites of Practice. He is always looking forward to learning, meeting and sharing.
- Dealing with Quantity vs Quality

Contributor for a decade, interested in data quality (maintainer of Osmose-QA), vector tiles and routing engine.
Web mapping and data specialist at Makina Corpus.
- Makina Maps

Frederik has been with OSM since 2006, he's a frequent speaker at SotM, former board member, and current member of the Data Working Group. He works at Geofabrik in Karlsruhe, Germany.
- With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility


Member of OpenStreetMap project since 2010, editor of the russian news blog SHTOSM, author of several OSM-related articles, had spoken at many conferences and developed some tools for editing and processing OSM data. Currently working at Lyft.
- Map-Less Map Editors
OSMF Board Member, mapper of random features, cartographic hygiene technician. I'm paid to organize software so that telecommunication operators still find the bits of network infrastructure after they bury them. Will map for beer.

Dr. Jennings Anderson is a GeoInformation Scientist specializing in OpenStreetMap data analysis. His contributor-centric approach to OSM emphasizes questions regarding the evolution of the global community of mappers and how the data gets produced.
- Paid-Editing, Open Datasets, and AI-Mapping Tools: A Panel Discussion with Corporations Active in OpenStreetMap
- Exploring Sound maps using OpenStreetMap data and FOSS through MANILAud: Metro Manila Soundscapes
Jinal is the Lead Program Manager at Grab. She has been an OpenStreetMap contributor for over 6 years, a part of the Communications Working Group for OpenStreetMap Foundation, and editor at WeeklyOSM
- Journey to improving the Navigation experience for Grab Driver partners using OSM

Mapping real world into OSM since 2011.
Last few years working for MapTiler.
Active member of the Czech OSM community.
- Building a global outdoor map

Jochen Topf has been active in OpenStreetMap for many years as mapper and software developer. He is the author of the "Flex" output in osm2pgsql and maintainer of the Osmium framework and many other OSM related software. In his professional live he works as a software developer and consultant in the OSM and GIS world.
- News from osm2pgsql
- Collection and use of data about entrances of buildings
I'm Kris, and I'm the Executive Director and Chief Sustainability Officer at SmartCT, the first technology nonprofit organization in the Philippines which is dedicated to making digital transformation in our local governments open and sustainable.
Before SmartCT, I held policy consultancy roles at a number of government agencies including Department of Transportation, MMDa and Department of Agriculture amongst others. I also did consultancy work with projects funded by International Labor Organization and USAID. I truly believe that data and technology in the public sector should be democratized.
- MapaTanda: Mapping for and with the Ageing Population

Laura is a geospatial engineer based in Nairobi, Kenya, interested in the intersection of open data, FOSS, and development. She is a regional ambassador with YouthMappers, where she supports chapters across Eastern Africa with a focus on Kenya and Tanzania. During her free time, she volunteers with the OSM and OSGeo communities, locally and globally,
- Community growth: What we learned about improving the membership and diversity of OSM Kenya through the community impact microgrants.

The Local Chapters and Communities Working Group (LCCWG) is tasked with finding and implementing ways for the Foundation to support the growth of local communities and potentially encourage established communities to further organise themselves and eventually formally affiliate with the Foundation as one of its Local Chapters. Aside from that, the LCCWG will also facilitate a global exchange of ideas and support among Local Chapters and communities and review and suggest improvements to the Local Chapters affiliation scheme.
- OpenStreetMap & Governments Around the World

Participatory project coordinator at CartONG,
Manon Viou is in charge of coordinating various participatory mapping projects, especialy the Missing Maps projects and other projects around OpenStreetMap and participatory activities within some of CartONG's cross-cutting projects and notably for UNHCR.
- From global to local OSM mapping, CartONG’s overall OSM based strategy to support humanitarian response in refugee camp

Martijn van Exel has been contributing to OSM since 2007 as a mapper, community leader, organizer, coder, and board member. He is originally from The Netherlands and moved to the United States in 2011. He is the creator of MapRoulette. He currently sits on the Board of Directors of OpenStreetMap US. He has worked with OSM professionally at Telenav from 2011 to 2019, helping create Kartaview and leading one of the first organized mapping teams. He currently works at HERE Technologies.
- Imports and Bulk Edits, Community Style: MapRoulette Cooperative Challenges

- From global to local OSM mapping, CartONG’s overall OSM based strategy to support humanitarian response in refugee camp
OpenStreetMap mapper, developer and creator.
I am involved in mapping, developing editing software (especially StreetComplete) and using OpenStreetMap data for various purposes.
I am trying to help other mappers - either by answering when people ask for help or by improving existing resources, like OSM Wiki pages, editors, presets and validators.
- Why OSM is not known more widely - about consequences of not enforcing attribution requirements

Monica Brandis has a doctorate in GIS Data Management and Remote Sensing, and her work involves various application domains (utilities, urban planning, hydrological modeling, natural disaster response). In base map development, she has worked with Google, Bing, and Amazon maps to drive data pipeline process improvement for the enhancement of map quality. She is a GIS analyst by training and is passionate about all things data. She leads many aspects of technical team development at Critigen and can lead any part of an OSM map project from manual correction, training, data modeling, ETL, to innovative types of analyses.
- Improving OSM Data in Coastal Communities

Nathalie Sidibe is Co-Founder of OpentreetMap Mali and CEO of DataTIC Consulting. She is also the focal Point of the French-Speaking Africa OpenData Community in Mali.
- Feedback on building OSM communities in the south
Oguz was born and raised in Istanbul and brings five years of experience in the mapping industry and a Bachelor in Geomatics Engineering from Kocaeli University. He is responsible for Communication & Volunteer Management in Yer Çizenler. He gives workshops on free spatial data to university clubs, local governments and NGO's. He leads a group of translators who aim to create Turkish documentation of OpenStreetMap related tools and the lead editor of the Turkish edition of a newsletter called WeeklyOSM. He is also volunteering for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team communications working group.
- Mapping unmapped towns in Turkey by building and enlarging OpenStreetMap Turkey community

GIS developer at CartONG, I mainly work on web applications for the humanitarian sector. I use OSM to fill the data gaps of organizations and to promote the common contribution
- From global to local OSM mapping, CartONG’s overall OSM based strategy to support humanitarian response in refugee camp
Paul has been involved with OpenStreetMap for over a decade, as an OpenStreetMap developer and has served on the Board, Data Working Group, Legal Working Group, and Membership Working Group in the past. He is currently on the Operations Working Group.
- OpenStreetMap Standard Layer: Who uses it?
Challenge seeker, CEO at @maptiler, Swiss resident, proud dad of two boys, contributor to open-source projects, cartographer, programmer & entrepreneur.
- MapLibre - community driven Mapbox GL fork

Pieter Vander Vennet works for Anyways.eu, a small compan using OpenStreetMap to provide route planning and custom mobility scenarios. As freelancer and partly as volunteer, he developed MapComplete.
- Introduction and review of MapComplete
- Making your own MapComplete theme

Robert Riemann holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Berlin. In 2017, he received the degree of a doctor in computer science from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon for his research on the subject of distributed communication systems. Since then, he works at the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in Brussels in the IT Policy unit. He covers mainly web technologies and P2P and follows up on recent technological developments.
- OSM data: Privacy Risks and GDPR compliance

Said is Geomatic Engineer and has a Master's degree in Geoinformatics Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. He is originally from Turkey and now lives in Italy. He is active in building the OpenStreetMap community in Turkey and interested in mapping POIs and its accessibilities.
- Mapping unmapped towns in Turkey by building and enlarging OpenStreetMap Turkey community

Sarah Hoffmann has been a mapper and developer for OpenStreetMap for more than 10 years. Most of her time is taken up as a developer and maintainer of Nominatim, the OSM geocoder but she is involved in many other projects: waymarkedtrails, osm2pgsql and pyosmium.
- Boundaries, Places and the Future of Tagging
- Lightning Talks III
- Lightning Talks I
- Lightning Talks II
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- Closing
- Opening

Open Source advocate since 2008 and proponent of Open Science principles since started working in research in 2012; currently Technology Trainer in academic library (The University of Queensland)
- Acquire and visualise OSM data with R

Tobias has been a volunteer contributor to OpenStreetMap since 2008. An active mapper and open-source software developer, he is involved in several OSMF working groups, a frequent participant at events of the German OSM community, and a member of the OSMF board of directors.
- 3D Rendering with OSM2World

I am an open-source software developer based in Hamburg, Germany.
You may know me as the author and maintainer of StreetComplete, osmapi (Java library) and some others.
Before OpenStreetMap, I was involved in the development of the Indie game "Clonk" and later "OpenClonk". Both are still around, and free now, check those out!
- How StreetComplete handles edits

Free software developer from Helsinki, Finland, specialising in product engineering, open data, open APIs. Interests include OSM, Wikidata, public transport. Previously, I designed the software architecture of Digitransit while working in the local government.
- Collection and use of data about entrances of buildings

I'm Vlada and more than 2 years I'm working in Minsk office(Belarus) of Mapbox in Data RAVE team.
- Linting the map together: Collaborations of Mapbox Data RAVE and OpenStreetMap Communities

Yantisa knows OSM since 2012 due to his uni assignment. In 2013, he joins HOT and that enables him to be able to actively promote OSM in national, regional, and international events as well as building the Indonesia OSM community.
- Identifying Unmapped Highway in OSM