Kris Libunao

I'm Kris, and I'm the Executive Director and Chief Sustainability Officer at SmartCT, the first technology nonprofit organization in the Philippines which is dedicated to making digital transformation in our local governments open and sustainable.

Before SmartCT, I held policy consultancy roles at a number of government agencies including Department of Transportation, MMDa and Department of Agriculture amongst others. I also did consultancy work with projects funded by International Labor Organization and USAID. I truly believe that data and technology in the public sector should be democratized.


MapaTanda: Mapping for and with the Ageing Population
Kris Libunao

This talk will focus on the MapaTanda Project (a portmanteau of Mapa -- which means a map -- and Tanda -- which can mean older adult but can also mean remember) and why we need to build an age-friendly society through OSM. This is a project that seeks to improve the number and quality of data in OpenStreetMap that are important and relevant to older adults (senior citizens) and the ageing population (60+ years old).

Community and Foundation
Track 1 - Talks