Jennings Anderson
Dr. Jennings Anderson is a GeoInformation Scientist specializing in OpenStreetMap data analysis. His contributor-centric approach to OSM emphasizes questions regarding the evolution of the global community of mappers and how the data gets produced.
Jennings Anderson
Paid-Editing, Open Datasets, and AI-Mapping Tools: A Panel Discussion with Corporations Active in OpenStreetMap
Jennings Anderson
This panel will bring together a few major corporations active in the OSM Community to talk about their mapping activity and larger involvement within OSM. We will cover the release of datasets, development of mapping tools, and the increasing amount of paid-editing in OSM. Companies include ESRI, Facebook, among others yet to be confirmed.
The panelists are Deane Kensock (Esri), Ben Clark (Facebook), Jinal Foflia (Grab), Lukas Martinelli (Mapbox)
Community and Foundation
Track 2 - Panels and Workshops